Bonus Chapter ~ 1

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Amelia stood near her car, waiting for her friend to arrive. She was ready to die, and today was the day.

It was a hard decision for her because she hated the thought of leaving Hope alone. She had talked to Hope about it and after about and hour, Hope had convinced her that she would be fine.

Her exact words: "It's time for you to be while again."

She had threatened Kol multiple times, telling him that if he didn't take care of Hope that she would come back and haunt him.

Her red hair sat just below her shoulder blades, as she had gotten it cut a few months before.

"You look awfully nice for a someone's who's planning on dying today," Amelia heard. She turned and was met with the sight of Caroline Forbes, standing on the other side of her car.

Amelia smiled and walked to the other side of the car, giving Caroline a hug.

"Thank you," Amelia said as she pulled away. "Do you have it?"

Caroline nodded and pulled out an object wrapped in cloth. She handed it to Amelia, and then Amelia proceeded to carefully unwrap it. In her hands was a shard of a white oak stake leftover from the adventures of the Mystic Falls gang.

"I'm going to miss you," Caroline told her. Amelia looked up and gave her a sad smile.

"I know, and I'll miss all of you too," Amelia responded.

"But.." Caroline said, sensing the hint of the 'but' at the end of Amelia's sentence.

"But I miss him, and I've lived long enough," Amelia finished.

"I mean it has been over a thousand years," Caroline joked, making the two of them laugh lightly.

When they stopped, they stood there looking at the broken stake in Amelia's pale hand.

"I guess this is it then," Amelia said.

"I guess so," Caroline responded. The redhead set the broken stake on the hood of her car, and pulled the blonde into a big hug.

"Thank you for everything Caroline, and please keep and eye on Hope for me," Amelia told her.

"Oh trust me, between her, Lizzie, and Josie, I'm going to be very busy," Caroline said with a smile.

"I'm sure," Amelia replied with a small laugh.

"Be safe and say hi to all of them for me, okay?" Caroline asked.

"Of course, I'll make sure to find Stefan for you," Amelia promised. The redhead spotted a tear glisten in her friend's eye so she gave her one last hug, grabbed the stake, and then got in her car.

With a wave from Caroline, she was off. She had already chosen her spot for her death. Since she was in New Orleans at the moment, she headed to the Mikaelson compound.

The building was mostly abandoned, but there were a few vampires roaming around. The minute they saw Amelia; however, they left in a hurry.

She walked throughout every room of the house, all of them the same as she remembered. She paused for a moment longer in her old bedroom, taking in the pale yellow walls that she used to hate.

She stopped in the doorway of Klaus' library and smiled fondly at the memories of all the Mikaelson moments she had had in that room. As she stood there, she toyed with her wedding band on her left hand.

She hadn't taken it off even after Klaus had died because she couldn't bare it. But now she was on her way to see him.

She finally made her way down to the courtyard and stood in the center, taking in the overgrown space. She produced the broken white oak stake from her pocket and took it in her right hand, discarding the cloth that it had come in, on the floor.

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