Watch where you walk

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As soon as Addi parked the car, I hopped my way over to say hello to Marco, until I saw him with a cherry blonde, slim and tall girl. I was a bit curious and worried but decided not to jump to conclusions just yet. I continued walking over to Marco.

Dixie- "Hey Marco"

Marco- "Oh umm Heyy dix."

Dix- "Who is this," I said pointing to the girl next to Marco

Marco- "Oh this is just Hazel, she is new and I offered to show her around."

Dixie- "Oh cool, well nice to meet you hazel"

Hazel- "you too..."

Dixie- "I think I am gonna go ahead in the school and to class now I guess so bye hazel and by babe"

I gave Marco a kiss on the cheek and hug then made my way inside. I took a deep breath of the smell of the school and started to walk over to my locker when all of a sudden, a big tall, but muscular figure bumps into me from the side. I turn to see who it is with an annoyed look on my face just to see that it was our local school, bad boy... Or at least he seemed to be from the way he acts at school. His name was Noah, he was captain of the football team, and almost every girl liked him, but I didn't. I just don't see why a person would find someone so disobedient attractive.

Dixie-" Could you please watch where you are going, you aren't the only person here" I said annoyed while rolling my eyes.

Noah- " Woah there bookworm haha, no need to be all feisty"

Dixie- "whatever, just watch where you walk next time" I started to walk away to be pulled back by the waist from a firm grip. I quickly did a slight weep and gasp and was completely lost as to what was happening until my back was against the lockers and I was face to face with Noah. I was taken aback by his quick movements until I snapped back to reality and decided to break the silence surrounding the quiet hallway

Dixie- "W- what are you doing" I managed to whisper out feeling a bit intimidated seeing as I was face to face with someone who got the attention of almost every girl.

Noah- " just saying sorry.... And next time don't be so rude because all people aren't as nice and gentle as me," he said winking as he was walking away

I start to let out the breath that I was holding in the entire time I was against the locker and made my way towards my own locker. I quickly grab my books and head towards my classroom five minutes early just to pick the seat I want. It was a natural thing I always did and I also liked to see who would be teaching me and educating me. Once I found my seat in the middle of the class since I didn't like to be in front but too far back, I started to think about my encounter with Noah this morning. I was a bit surprised and blushed that it happened but also a bit mad that he would think it is okay to talk to someone in such a way in a public area with eyes, but luckily for me, there weren't many people to watch what Noah was doing so I did not have to worry about a bunch of eyes being on me for the day. I kept thinking

About that until I was interrupted by the sound of the bell that showed class was starting. I sat straight up in my seat and started to listen to the teacher. "Hello class and welcome to the new semester. I will be your teacher and my name is Mrs.Berrymuffin" the teacher said. The class in unison said Hello back. I was in an AP class so we all were good children. All of sudden when Mrs. Berrymuffin was speaking, I felt my phone go off in my back pocket and quietly got it out and saw what the notification was about. Once I saw that notification, I instantly wanted to break into tears...

 I literally skipped school today to update for you guys but anyways, you can leave ideas and vote.. I will update at least once a day for you guys if not more on the weekends.

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