T. Inumaki - Tackle

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Your head rested in Inumaki's lap, eyes closed softly. His hand was hovering over your face, blocking the summer light from giving you a headache. How grossly heartwarming.

You and the other second years had just finished training for the day, and you were all sitting on the benches in the courtyard, just shooting the shit. It's not like you were really participating. In reality, you were really close to just drifting off then and there.

It's not like you usually fell asleep in this type of environment, but the sun was warm and Inumaki's lap was comfy as fuck. No one can blame you really.

"Is Y/N asleep?" You hear Panda say quietly. You can practically see him holding a finger up to his mouth.

"Hm?" Maki says slowly, "Yeah they're pretty out of it. Weird for them to let their guard down."

You feel Inumaki's hand move, causing light to beam down onto your eyelids. To keep up the appearance of sleep, you try as hard as you can to not flinch at the light.

It's not like you want them to think you're asleep, you just don't want to be in the conversation. Everything was content right now, of course you want it to stay that way.

"Psst, Maki." Panda whispers loudly, "You should tell him now."

"Way to be subtle." She replies, and you can hear her shifting on her feet, "So Inumaki, when are you going to confess?"

You feel him stiffen under you and you try not to react to the question as well.

He places his hand on your forehead, "Mustard leaf?" He says confused.

"Oh come on, you obviously like them."

What now.

"Bonito flakes!" He stresses.

"I'm going to pretend like those words have no meaning for my own benefit." Maki says pridefully, "And it's so obvious. You don't prank them when they sleep near you, and you sometimes let them use your youtube account. Sounds like love to me."

"It really does!" Panda chimes in.

At this point you're just really confused. Inumaki liking you? It's not really far fetched in your mind, you do catch him staring at you a lot, but it's just so hard to tell.

Sometimes he's a total softy and you can actually believe that he might like you, then he'll go on to grab you and slam dunk you into a fountain. Maybe that's just his love language, but it's a tad concerning.

You can feel him gesturing wildly, seemingly confused and slightly annoyed with the situation. Oh fine, you'll help him out.

Pretending to stir from your sleep, you sit up, rubbing your eyes. After opening them, you look over your shoulder at the group behind you.

Smiling sleepily, you say, "Oops, I guess I fell asleep." You then stand up, grab Inumaki's arm, and pull him up.

"We will be leaving now, see yah tomorrow!" You say quickly, walking away briskly and pulling Inumaki with you.

Stopping at his room, you open the door and stride in.

"I guess I did that very poorly." You groan, flopping face first onto his bed.


"So. Did you know I wasn't sl-"


You turn your head to see him standing next to the bed with a hesitant look across his face. It's a weird look, considering he never really seems nervous.

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