No, This is Not a Kidnapping Attempt (Thunderstorm x Reader)

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Requested by @Immanhydayah2309

Hopefully it's up to your standards :'D

If not, then I'm sorry-

This is a pretty long story, might not make sense at certain parts and it's a cringey at some parts so I'm sorry about that-

To make things a bit easier, you guys have already met a few times but never actually got the time to get to know each other so it's more of like strangers between you guys-

Yea so bai-


When you applied for the job, you did not expect to be sent for torture, and yet, here you are, being forced to go through the horrors of additional math and memorizing the periodic table.

This was definitely not what you signed up for.

One hand scribbling down whatever that was coming out of Papa Zola's mouth, the other drumming against the plastic table, your body was practically itching to escape from this torture and get back to what you actually signed up for. That whole process could've been easily executed in just a few seconds, if your brother wasn't there to keep an eye on you.

Seriously, why did he have to be there?

The one and only Fang, ex-heartthrob of the whole damn school. Out of all the possible people who could've been your brother, it had to be this guy.

What exactly do the other girls see in him? In your vision, this guy is basically just like all those emo dudes you see in your comics and books. It's truly an impressive feat for him.

Ok, maybe you're being a little harsh on this guy. Maybe you should be a little more supportive to your brother instead-

A sudden scream broke your train of thoughts as you and the rest of your class turned your attention to the source of the sound, a frown on each of your face.

The shrieking seemed to have hyped up as someone's foot steps could be heard from across the hallways. By that point, it was basically your ears being tortured the point where you were regretting that time when you turned down the pair of earplugs Fang gave you.

Oh well never mind-

A slam from the door being kicked open as a certain crimson-eyes boy stomped into the classroom while a horde of girls were reaching toward him, all of them with the same starry-eyed face as they pushed each other out of the way.

Thunderstorm gave them a single pissed off look before turning back to a stunned Papa Zola.

"Sorry I'm late. There was a lot of... obstacles earlier..." He muttered, the bill of his cap lowering.

Not waiting for for Papa Zola's response, the lightning elemental shoved his way to his seat and plopped all his things down before glaring at his fangirls, while your brother proceeded to stare at him with annoyance.



He couldn't pay attention to class, at all. Not that he was trying to.

If he could, he would've just stop coming to school except on exam days but with Quake watching them all like a hawk, it's likely not a wise choice to do so. Unless of course you wish to die by his hands.

Halfway through one of Papa Zola's lengthy talk , his brain was already shutting itself off due to lack of sleep from the previous night. The muffled shrieks from those still lingering outside the class were getting on his nerves and all the glares from Fang weren't helping either.

Boboiboy x Reader (Oneshots, Scenarios and headcannons)Where stories live. Discover now