17 : My Hubby

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The couple spent their days without any problems between them. They are happy being with each other.

Gulf took his classes seriously. He is really got himself back. He is doing his best in his studies. He is happy as he can see the love and pride on mew's eyes towards him.

After he confessed his feelings to mew. He became a really lovely boy towards the elder. He became more and more clingy to his hubby. He just wants mew. Just mew... Nothing else!!

Mew is really happy with that progress. He let gulf go to his university freely as long as there is a progress.

Mew noticed gulf being clingy to him. Always seeking for his attention and care. He don't have a problem with that at all.

Now, It is a routine for them to have their breakfast which is always being prepared by mew. Then each of them heading to his business.

But today, Mew has an important meeting so he left earlier. But of course he made the breakfast to gulf.

Gulf woke up with a pout as mew is not here. He is got used to mew being here with him then they brush their teeth with a lot of laughs.

But this morning, it's a boring one to him. So he just took a shower and went to his uni without even eating his breakfast. He is lazy to have it alone.

Now gulf is with mild on the cafeteria having a drink. Of course mild noticed that gulf has changed alot.

He is not that bad boy anymore. And now, he is looking at his phone every minute.....

"Dude, what is wrong with u those days?!.... U r not your self.... Tell me..."

"Nothing.... Just realised that I have to grow up now..... I have to be responsible for what is happening in my life....."

"What?!.... Those r not your words.... It is my brother's... Right?!.... Oh my god...

P'mew is really something!!!!!.... What he did to u, bro?!.. Is he threatening u or something like this?!"

"Shut up, mild..... Don't dare to talk like that about my hubby!!!!..... I won't keep quiet!!!..... I am letting this slide because u r his brother!!!!"

"OH MY GOD!!!!........ I am your best friend for God's sake..... How.."

"And he is my husband... Of course I am choosing him"

"Husband!!!!.... Now, u r showing off.... What a bastard!!!"

"He is worth being showed off....."

"Love really sucks...... Can't believe that u are the Gulf I know..."

"I like it this way..... I like being with your bro......

He is so gentle and kind... He filles that empty corner in my heart...... He is perfect.....

Can't imagine that u r his brother.... U know what?!.. U should learn from him....

And yes,.. I am telling him about your shameful C  in today exam.... Let's see someone who will be grounded for at leat a week "

"No!!!! ... PLEASE DON'T...... My lovely friend..... Hhhh.....

i am treating u.... Sushi?!..... Chicken?!.... Anything u want.... Just don't tell mew!!!"

"Scared now?!..... Hahah.... Okay okay... I won't tell him..... U should look at your face face a while ago..... Halirious!! Hhhhhh....."

TAMING My wifey ; Gulf (completed) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن