Chapter 2 - Newspaper Scandal on the First Day Makes David Anxious (What's New?)

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- Chapter 2 - I've Changed this to a Soulmate AU, Deal with It.
Warnings: Anxiety, disrespecting Weasel (*gasp*)
Third Person POV

David walked with his brother to the Manhattan Distribution Center.

He bit his lip as he normal lol did when he was anxious.

He saw these boys, who he knew were probably the Manhattan Newsboys, singing and dancing.

After a few minutes, they finished and got in line.

David took Les into the line.

He could feel people staring at him, and hear their whispers.

He tried to just ignore them.

Ignore them, David. They're just not used to seeing you here, he tells himself. They'll get over it.

David watched as the first, and oldest looking boy, steps up.

"G'mornin, Weasel! Did'ya miss me?" The boy teases, placing 50 cents on the counter.

David's eyebrows furrowed. Weasel? His name is Weasel?

'Weasel' shakes his head in disappointment and annoyance. "The name's Wiesel," he responds, exasperated, as he takes the money from the boy.

David scoffs slightly. Normal disrespectful boys. No respect for anyone.

"Isn't that what I said?" The boy retorts, causing some of the boys to laugh. "I'll take the usual."

David rolls his eyes.

"100 papes for the wise guy," Wiesel tells the two boys with him.

The older boy shoves Jack his stack of newspapers, he rolling his eyes.

The next boy in line approaches the counter. "How's it going, Weasel?" He asks, emphasizing the nickname.

Wiesel rolls his eyes. "At least call me 'Mister'." He requests.

The boy smirks. "I'll call 'ya sweetheart if you spot me 50 papes." He winks.

Wiesel glares at the boy. "Drop the cash, and move it along." He states, his voice getting slightly louder.

David didn't like this guy.

The boy puts his hands up, jokingly surrendering. "Well, whatever happened to romance?" He laughs with the other Newsies as he slaps his money on the box.

One of the boys with Wiesel, the older looking one, shoves him his papes.

"50 papes for the Racer, next!" Wiesel shouts.

What kind of name is that? David kept getting more and more confused.

"That's such a cool name!" Les whispers, excitedly.

David watched as a few of the boys smiled at Les.

A boy with a crutch politely steps up to the table. "Good morning, Mr. Wiesel." He places his money on the box.

Wiesel chuckles a bit, his cigar hanging from his lips. "Fifty papes for Crutchie."

He seems to like this boy. David thinks, but isn't 'Crutchie' a little offensive?

Crutchie smiles, stepping up and grabbing his papers from the younger looking boy with Wiesel while ignoring his glares.

David steps up, nervously.

"Have a look at this," Wiesel grins evilly. "A new kid!" He exclaims.

The other Newsies look to see who he was talking about, making Davey a bit uncomfortable.

"I'm new too!" Les exclaims, popping out from behind David.

David mentally facepalms. Way to draw attention to us, Les. He rolls his eyes.

David heard whispers and mumbles from behind him, some like 'you don't say?' sarcastically.

David felt his cheeks heat up. He hated attention and he felt embarrassed at this.

"Don't worry, kid," The 'Racer' kid starts from the sideline, "it rubs right off." His face goes emotionless before he laughs with a few Newsies.

David nervously looks up at Snyder. "I'll take twenty newspapers, please." He requests.

David felt more stares at him, which was not helping his anxiety.

He was thankful he at least wasn't stuttering.


"Twenty for the new kid," Wiesel tells the kids next to him, before turning back to face David. "Let's see the dime."

David tilts his head to the side in confusion. "I'll pay you when I sell them." He forces himself to speak up.

David saw the oldest looking boy look at him confused out of the corner of his eye, causing David to blush a bit.

Wiesel sarcastically laughs. "Funny, kid." He glares at David. "Come on, cash upfront."

David was only feeling more confused and overwhelmed as this went on. "But whatever I don't sell, you buy back, right?" He asks.

The Newsies all collectively mutter. "This kid can't be serious."

David's cheeks heated up again. Why, God? Why did you have to choose me to go through this?

"Certainly, and every tooth you lose I put a penny under your pillow," Wiesel responds, being sarcastic. "C'mon, cough up the cash or blow." His glare only for stronger.

"The tooth fairy does that." Les mumbles, sounding really innocent and confused.

David frowns. Don't you dare tell him, you jerk. My brother deserves to stay young and innocent for as long as he can. He glares slightly at Wiesel.

One of the Newsies, one with spectacles, behind David and Les bends down to Les's height.

He smiles warmly at Les. "Don't think about anything Weasel says. He's wrong about many things." He tells Les. "The tooth fairy does take your teeth when you lose one."

Les grins, nodding.

David was feeling intensely grateful for this random Newsie with spectacles.

He shoots the Newsie a thankful smile, that the Newsie returns with a warm and welcoming smile while standing up.

David turns back to face Wiesel, carefully placing a dime on his box, like he'd seen in the other boys do.

Except he was much softer.

Wiesel rolls his eyes, taking the money.

One of the boys with Weasel shoves David's papers at him.

David takes them, walking away, with Les trailing behind him.

I can see why he's called Weasel.

David's eyes widen and he immediately smacked himself for thinking that.

David counted his papers while a boy, who he was pretty sure he heard be called 'Albert' taunt Weasel.

Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen.

David's eyebrows furrowed, as he turned around. "Um- sorry- excuse me." He starts.

Wiesel tunes to face him, his glare so strong, David felt like he could melt into a puddle.

"I paid for twenty, but you only gave me nineteen." David started strong, but ended up losing all of his confidence.

Wiesel started scolding him, going off into a rant.

David felt uncomfortable, especially with everyone looking at him.

The oldest boy, who had a blue shirt on, a vest, and brown hair, came over to him.

He grabbed the papers out of David's hands, despite David's protests.

Then, their eyes met.

Crap. He's cute.

1064 Words

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