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New Town

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New Town. New School. New Classmates.

Shelby pulled into the parking lot of John Hersey High school for her first day. She looked around the parking lot at all the kids who already knew each other, excited to see their friends and be back from summer vacation.

Shelby pulled in a parking spot and got out of her blue Dodge Charger. Her long brown hair blowing a bit in the wind. She closed the car door and made her way up to the school. She didn't pay any attention to the people looking whispering asking who she was. She had grown use to this. Her parents moved her to a new town every year due to her dads job.

Shelby made my way to the front office to pick up her class schedule. A sweet lady was standing behind the counter with a name tag on that read Ms. Willow.

"Can I help you dear?"

"Hi. My names Shelby Jensen. I was told to come to the office to pick up my schedule."

"Oh right yes. I have it just over here." She walked over to a table that sat to the left and behind her. She grabbed a piece of paper and handed it to Shelby. "Here you go dear."

"Thank you Ms. Willow."

"Oh call me Tracy. Have a good first day." She gave Shelby a little wave as she walked back out into the crowded halls of the high school. She looked at her schedule and saw she needed to get up to the third floor for her homeroom.

She found the stairs and made her way up trying not to bump into anyone along the way. She walked down the hallway reading room numbers till she located room 343. She walked in and found most of the seats were already filled.

She made her way to the back of the room to the only desk that looked open. She took a seat and put her bag down just as the bell rang. The teacher then entered the room.

"Alright settle down." He was a middle aged man whose name is Mr. Allen. "Alright so welcome to your homeroom. Here we will meet everyday before you head to class to allow you to ask questions, listen to the announcements and work on some last minute homework."

Shelby could tell this teacher was respected because everyone was paying attention and was not raising hell.

"Alright let's everyone go around and introduce yourselves. We are going to be together all year so best if we know who everyone is."

He started at the front of the room and had everyone introduce themselves. There were these three guys sitting close to one another. It was their turn to introduce themselves.

"I'm Matt Casey." He was a tall blond and slight built.

"I'm Andy Darden." Another slight built male with brown hair and a big goofy grin.

"I'm Kelly Severide." They must all work out together because he was also built, black hair, and the most amazing blue eyes she had ever seen. Shelby shook her head because the last thing she needed was to start having a crush on someone.

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