Diety | Floch x Reader

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Prompt- Reader confronts Floch about being a Jeagerist- This is based on chapter 109 or Season 4 episode 71


Dripping could be heard in the distance, the echo neither getting further or closer as you walked. The musty and damp air encompassed you as you walked through the dimly lit halls. You looked in each cell quickly, checking for your boyfriend before continuing on to the next quickly. Are we even still dating? You wondered.  After another dozen cells you saw a figure in one, stopping and grabbing onto the bars. You leaned in, straining to get a good look to confirm who it was.

"Floch?" You whispered.

The figure moved, shuffling around on the bed inside until they were standing, slowly as if stumbling towards the door.

"Y/n?" Flochs voice asked.

"I'm here."

Floch rushed to the bars, holding where your hands were, his face inches from yours.

"Thank god I was so worried."


"Yeah I didn't know if something would happen to you because of your relation to me."

"No i'm fine." You reassured him.

He breathed a sigh in relief, his shoulder slumping just a little until they perked up some when you spoke again.

"I think we need to talk."

"About what?"

"About you, this."

"What about it?"


"Why? I'm doing this for you. For me, For everyone. Why can't you see that Eren's the only one who can save us?"

"Because he doesn't have our best interest in mind. He-"

"Yes he does, he went into enemy territory and fought them for us."

"No, he dragged us into a unnecessary fight and an unnecessary war. We didn't have to fight Floch, we could've had peace. We didn't have t-"

"Yes we did Y/n! The Marleyans deserve what they got and much more."

"It's a misunderstanding they're just trying to protect themselves. We could've talked through this and avoided loosing lives. Both ours and theirs. Floch, Sasha is dead because of this. Eren running away drug the scouts into this and made us fight."

"Eren's doing it to save us. And what are they protecting themselves from? Cause last time I checked we're the ones who have been oppressed and slaughtered for the past century Y/n! Who gives a shit if they die? Yeah Sasha dying sucks but it's what happens. This is war. People are going to die."

"That's the thing Floch! We didn't have to go to war! We didn't have to lose those people. All because Eren dragged us into this. And everyone's life matters, Marleyan and Eldian. We can't just kill people because they have a different view point, came from a different place, or are a different race from us! That's genocide Floch!"

"I don't care. Let them die. Eren's going to save us Eldians and make the world better."

"Well I don't believe that. War was the worst possible outcome and look what happened. We're now in a war because of Eren. The world probably agrees with Marley and thinks we're devils now too. Eren's caused nothing but problems so I can't believe you follow and trust him. I didn't think you could be that dense Floch." Your tone was angered, trying to convey how wrong this was.

"A war was necessary. We'll kill the Marleyans and win, finally having a peaceful world."

"Killing everyone else isn't winning Floch."

"Whatever. There's nothing you can do to stop the war. Marleyans will die an-"

"And Eldians will too. What happens if I die Floch? What if your girlfriend dies because your deity started a war. What then Floch!"

"Well I... you won't die. You'll be fine."

"Yeah, everything thought the same thing about Sasha on the airship. She's dead now. I could be next."

"The come with us Y/n. Eren will protect you! You'll be safe with us!" Floch's voice had gone from intensely stern and passionate to frantic, the idea of your death haunting him instantaneously.

"I don't trust Eren. Not after he started the war millions will die in." you answered.

"Come one Y/n please just listen I-" Floch whimpered.

"No, this conversation is over. Good bye Floch."

You backed away, waking down the hall towards the door. Flochs voiced called to you from his cell.

"Y/n no, come back. Please come with us!"

"No, i'm going to help the scouts try to fix this." You continued to walk.

"Y/n come back! I can't just let you go, I can't just let my girlfriend die so please, stay!" He begged.

You stopped, reaching the door as he finished. You turned toward him and Floch's heart leapt at the thought of getting through and convincing you.

"You don't have to worry about that anymore. You don't have a girlfriend."

Floch's heart broke and became crushed into pieces as he began to cry, screaming at you in pain to come back as you closed the door. Although his voice was muffled and, you could tell what he was saying.

"Y/n come back! Y/n please let's talk about this! Don't leave! Y/n please come back. I don't want to lose you, please! Please come back! Y/n talk to me!" Floch screamed, his voice echoing off the walls.

Though, the further up you went the more of his words turned into loud sobs and screams af painful sadness. Thought it hurt, you didn't listen and continued up the steps with Floch's voice fading the further up you went.

a/n- Another floch one! Thoughts and requests please, i love writing them! I'd also love it if you would consider following me?:)

This was a request by 14141414t

If your reading this, i love you<3

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