Asta and Yuno

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"Stop!! Alright the winner is Sekke Bronzazza!!"


"He's Good"

Some Participants expressed their surprise, others look in awe, while some shows their disdain especially the nobles.

"You may return and let the other participants get their turn" the captain said

"Ah im sorry" Sekke apologize

"Take him to Healing mage" The Captainin ordered the mages on standby

I sat on the corner again but this time Asta walk closer to me and sat.

We talked about our magics, Asta told me the names of the Magic knight squad.

Golden Dawn

Crimson Lions

Silver Eagle

Purple Orcas

Blue Rose

Green Mantis

Aqua Deer

Coral peacock

Black Bull
While Me and Asta are talking a noble challenged Yuno

Yuno accepted and went to the middle

The noble is name Salim Hapshass

"He's going to lose badly" i said loud Asta and the other Participants heard what i said.

Asta's eyes had sparkles in it but the people around us glared at me.

Then after saying Salim Flew back and hit a wall.

Yuno was the announced winner

Then many more participants made their way to the middle.

Asta was Fidgeting and was running around as he ask for a partner.

Everyone rejected him obviously.
After few minutes

I stood up

"Sir!! Can I fight him?" I said as i pointed on Asta

"Hmm...Ok then since he's been rejected by everyone you can fight him." The captain said after a long while
-at the middle-
"Alright then" I said as i stretch my body

"You good?" I asked Asta
"Yes!" He pulled out his sword


Reincarnated As Sekke Bronzazza (Black Clover Fanfiction) RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now