Chapter 11 Present for Rogue

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While Amara was teaching her science class and the students enjoyed dissecting their holographic frogs, JARVIS informed Tony about Rogue and Amara's idea to create a dampener for her powers. Tony looked over the report that JARVIS had made of Rogue and her Mutant abilities. He was surprised that such a person existed, and he felt terrible for her as well.

Tony showed Bruce the report on Rogue, “Can you imagine, Brucie, not having any contact with other people for the rest of your life?”

Bruce shook his head, “No, I can't, Tony. She must feel so isolated.”

“Well, according to Mara, Rogue, for the most part, is a happy girl. But she'll never be able to make anything of herself living like this. She's smart and talented, and I'm not going to let someone as talented as her miss the opportunity to live life to the fullest.”

“Do you think you can help her,” Bruce asked.

Tony smirked, “Of course I can; Amara had the right idea about making her some bracelets and adding an AI to it so that the government can't use it against her or any other mutant later.”

“Good idea, Tony. So, do you have any idea how you plan on making the bracelets?”

“Yeah, I think the first thing I should do is create a new AI, then I'll head up to the school to measure Rogue's powers.”

Bruce nodded and let Tony get to work.

It didn't take long for Tony to figure out how to dampen Rogue's Mutant powers and create the AI to help her with the bracelets. The only thing that Tony needed was for Amara to bring Rogue to try them out to make sure they worked.

Tony called his sister to let her know that everything was ready, “When do you suppose you can bring Rogue by so we can test the bracelets, Mar?” Tony asked.

“I don't know, Tone, maybe this weekend. I need to ask Professor Xavier for permission and ask Rogue if she wants to try it.”

“Alright, you ask the Prof and let me know.”

“Okay, I'll call you later.”

With that, Amara hung up and went to Professor Xavier's office. She knocked on his door and waited for the Professor to invite her in, “Come in, Amara.”

“Hello, Professor. I wanted to let you know that Tony has the bracelets for Marie ready.”

Charles looked at Amara, surprised, “So soon?”

“Well, Tony is a genius, and he's been working very hard on this project. The AI has been put into the bracelets and will help Marie control her powers. We only need to test it.”

Charles thought for a moment, then nodded, “Alright, I sent for Rogue and Logan to come to my office.”

Amara groaned at hearing that Mr. Howlett was coming as well. Charles chuckled. A few minutes later, Rogue and Logan show up, “You wanted to see us, Professor?”

“Yes, Rogue, I did. I have some news for you that you may find interesting. Ms. Stark here has been concerned about you.”

Rogue frowned and looked at her professor, “Oh? What about?”

“Well, Marie, I have been looking over your school records, and I found that you are a gifted student, and I feel that you should have a chance to go to college. So Tony and I have decided to pay for you to attend any university you want.”

Rogue's face lit up at the news, “Oh, thank you, Professor Stark. I don't know what to say, but I don't think I can go. I can't risk exposing anyone to my powers.” Rogue said in disappointment.

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