Sekke vs Asta

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Asta dashed infront of me so i punched him on the stomach, he stepped backwards i made a magic circle the Dingir came out

I did a Stance as Dingir come to my hand.

Then attacked him with fast movements

Asta retaliated by blocking all my attacks

Because of this My Spear broke

More Dingir came out of the magic circle then i controlled them to attack Asta

Then i put another spear on my hand and attacked him while the spears distract him.

Because of this Asta swung his sword in a circular motion

"I cant get a hit!" Asta said as I dodge all his attacks

"Then go faster" i said as i hit him with my spear

"Hahahaha!!" Asta and I laughed as we fight because of this we got faster and faster

"Hahahaha!!" Asta and I laughed as we fight because of this we got faster and faster

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Then we flew backwards

After that the Captain of Golden Dawn stopped  us so
we went back to our spot.

The Captain explained that
The squad Captains will raise their hand,

if they want someone in their squad,

if multiple captains raised their hands the participants will choose.

We waited till our turn.

Reincarnated As Sekke Bronzazza (Black Clover Fanfiction) RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now