Chapter 16: Everybody's looking for something

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_warning long but important _

I pulled my hair up into a ponytail while looking in my flip down mirror of my car, I left my hair down for work since we weren't busy so I didn't have to run around the restaurant.

I grabbed my water and headed to class and started stretching. "Hello my hermana from another mother" I looked up to see Miguel . "Heyyy, lover boy" I teased him and he rolled his eyes. "You should be saying that to Demetri, when's the last time you hung out with him?" Miguel said stretching with me. "Awhile which is why I am tomorrow, at work, we haven't been busy and my boss doesn't mind as long as he buys something. I'm hoping to ask him some questions and try to make sense of this whole Yasmine situation I mean she literally used to make fun of him" I laughed. "He's not the only one kissing with a bully" he smirked. "Ok ok , I know, but Hawk never bullied me, Yasmine bullied Demetri that's the difference, I see that doesn't help the situation " I commented and laughed. "Maybe she had a change of heart, she's been getting bullied since Aisha gave her that front wedgie" I raised an eyebrow."who's that?" I asked . "Oh she was the first girl at cobra Kai she's kinda badass, but her parents made her switch schools, you guys would have gotten along." Miguel said . "Alright everyone up where doing kicks today!" Sensei yelled and we stood up.

     "Hopefully we can get some girl students we are a bit out balance" I said looking around. "Yeah but you can kick any of these guys asses" he laughed. I nodded with a pleasing smile.

  "Bert you first" sensei called out. He held out a red frisbee that was about the height of his waist and Bert kicked the frisbee out of his hand making it fly towards our feet. "Nice Bert, remind me not to piss you off" sensei said to encourage him . "Ass face you next" Sensei said . "I thought we called him penis breath" I said    laughing."Didnt we already have this conversation does my name have to carry on?" Mitch asked. "Of course we did , now kick" sensei said trying not to laugh. Mitch as well got he frisbee held at about waist height.

   He too kicked it with ease. "Great job penis breath" sensei said getting the frisbee. "Y/n you next" he said brushing it off and I took steps to stand in front of him. I looked at my feet and took stance and  when I looked up I seen senseis arm was extended in front of him  but the frisbee unlike the others, was held level with his head. "Sensei why are you holding mine so much higher" I asked still in stance but with a confused look."Because y/n your capable" he said blankly but not moving his arm.  I got out of stance and looked around before looking at him"But dude your like six foo-" I was cut off loudly.  "QUITE!"  Sensei shouted which my body responded with jumping and my eyes wide open.

   "Y/n you know what to do" he said way more calm. In that moment we looked each other in the eye in what felt like we read minds for a split second. "Jump spin hook kick" we said in unison and we both smirked. "A what?" Bert asked . "Why the hell is the name so long" Mitch asked in response.

   I took a deep breath and went back into stance. "Don't rush, focus, focus on the frisbee" sensei said, and I did and it seemed to be in slow motion . I crouched to then rotate my body while at the same time pushing it upward. As I rotated to where I was facing sensei I kicked my leg out at the right time to come I contact with the frisbee sending flying to my fellow students. I landed on the ground and looked up to see everything moving normal.

    "Told ya" Sensei said smiling. I smirked in response . "Uh sensei?" We both turned to see Bert holding the frisbee but it was in two. "Oh shit, uh y/n go grab another from my bag over there." I nodded and  turned around to see it only a little bit away. I grabbed the flying disk and tossed to to him he caught it. "I'll go" Miguel said stepping up.

"Imagine this is the guy I stole this frisbee from. Just picture his stupid white dreads" sensei said holding out the frisbee out. Miguel went to do a spin kick but could barely get his leg off the ground as he grunted weakly. Sensei looked at me with the same sorry eyes as I'd give Miguel. "All right, good hustle. Who's next?" Sensei said . We both knew we didn't want to push Miguel and risk messing something up but Miguel was stubborn.

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