Chapter 210: Tepes' Land

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The ORC arrived at a spacious space. Azazel raised a hand in greeting and walked towards the group.

“Hey, you guys are here. Sorry to say this since you guys just arrived but we are moving away from here. I’ll explain it in detail inside the vehicle. Elmenhilde, I’ll ask you to guide us.”

The vampire girl looks at the group as if they are a nuisance. She speaks bluntly without any concern on the world.

“Very well. Everyone, glad you could come. Though the only one we needed was Gasper Vladi……”

"Her sharp attitude and tongue never
changes." said Tsubaki with a scoff.

After the initial greetings, the group left the room they were teleported into and walked up the stairs. They progressed  through a building constructed of rocks and arrived outside.

It’s late at night when the group came out. And the scenery is simply filled with snow.

“I-It’s cold~……”

Gasper was shivering intensely and the other ORC members felt the extreme temperature too.

"It's a good thing we've worn thick jackets." Erin said while rubbing her arms for heat. She glanced at Elmenhilde who didn't seem fazed.

"She doesn’t feel cold while Gasper on the other hand is freezing intensely. Is this the difference between a pureblood vampire and a half-blood?"

“Oh my……”

Asia releases a voice of amazement. The other members turn towards where she’s looking at and the view of a castle town greets them.

The buildings are built in a way where they surround the splendid looking castle positioned in the center.

“So that’s the base of the Vampires that the Church has been looking for all these years. I didn’t even find a clue for this place back when I was a warrior of the Church, so I never even imagined coming to this place after turning into a Devil. It’s quite ironic.” Xenovia mutters while looking at the white castle town.

"It's time minna. We have to get moving." Azazel said as he motioned for them to leave. Elmenhilde nodded in recognition and before she parted with the group, she squinted her eyes at the Royal Trio and Rugal.

“I can’t come to understand the taste Devils have.....”

"We don't like you either. Thank you very much." Erin gave a fake smile while the twins made an exaggerated bow. Rugal simply snorted and dismissed Elmenhilde's words.

The vampire girl discreetly rolled her eyes and left. Azazel released a small chuckle and rubbed his neck awkwardly.

"Well, isn't that sweet?"

The ORC then left the tower and got into the two station wagon vehicles. The ones driving them are Azazel and Rossweisse. Azazel explains the current status of the Vampire Faction inside the car.

"The new leader of Tepes is…. Valerie!?”


Gasper panics hard. He probably never predicted that Valerie, whom he is trying to save, is the Head of the Tepes.

"The Tepes-Faction puts the principles of men above women.. So for their leader to be a half-blood and a woman on top of that.... It’s clear that something quite dramatic is going on over there.” Akeno remarked.

“The Khaos Brigade must have guided them from the shadows and created
this situation. And the ones that allied with the Khaos Brigade is the anti-Tepes government group. They were blinded with their dissatisfaction towards the current government and the desire to lose their weakness by the use of the Holy Grail."

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