chapter 45

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Time to live...... Time to love.....

A year later........

Me " I never wanna do that again I swear ".  I took a drink of orange juice and set it back down.   Shannon looked at me and smiled " well,  I'm happy you fought through it,  that was the longest year of my life,  I couldn't sleep count eat barely.   Angel was the one that kept me sane besides Jared.  I seroulsy thought that you were not gonna make it they gave me the choice to either pull the plug or wait it out ".   I smacked his arm and kissed his cheek " thank you for not killing me ".   S" I always choose to save you ".    Jared came in with Ali and missed her hand as she had a good of his shirt collar pulling on it making no no sounds. J" what's wrong?  I fed you I played dolls what can I do  for you my princess?".   She smiled and he stopped to look up at shan and I.   J" she said jay just a second a go ".   S" she did?  See I told she'd bond with you fast ".   Jared looked back down at her and she yawned big and i knew then it was nap time for her. 

I got up and grabbed her favorite blanket turning off the TV and took her out of jareds arms and into mine.  S" wait up ".   He followed me into her room.  It was Shannon's idea to make her a princess room full of pinks and purple and a hint of silver too.  I laid her on the changing table and took up her dress to change her diaper.   I felt his lips on my neck and smiled.  Me" I love you ".  His thick middle finger swooped off the hair surrounding my cheek and kissed me. S" I'm so happy,  our family is hole again ".   Me" me too ".  I put her inside of her bed and covered her tight setting the bear next to her that Jared got for her months ago.  I watched as she drifted to sleep and I quietly stepped away to our bedroom. 

S" come lay with me ".  Me" what about Jared? ".  S" he's a big boy he will entertain himself ".   Me" hold on I wanna change ".   S" been a good day today huh? ".  Me" yep ".    I took off my shirt and out on a loose one I glanced down and rubbed the scars on my stomach.  She was worth it,  I didn't care of I was 90 and still had these.  I just considered them just another useless thought.  They didn't bother him or I.

As u came out of the bathroom,  I look and see him falling asleep.  He stayed up all night with her till 4 am so I could sleep.  O loved his heart and I treasured it was  like a diamond ring made just for me to have and to hold.  His heart was my gift from heavens above.  I crawled inside the bed and snuggled in next to him.  He was deep in slumber snoring away it was cute to me. He was perfect.  I laid on his chest and wrap my arm around his bare chest and remember Jared telling me everyday I was in that dreadful coma,  Shannon never left my bedside. He would go days without eating and slept in bed beside me every night.  Nothing mattered to him but for me to be ok and to wake up and survive. 

When I finally did open my eyes that sunny day,  he was out of the room taking a shower at the house.   The doctors called him and he rushed back to me with wet hair and shirt unbuttoned and breathing hard from running up flights of stairs to get to me.  S" I knew you would fight,   I k we you'd be ok ".   I reached out my hands and he quickly came over me and kissed me so hard he took my breath away and I squeezed him so tight.   It was like we hadn't kissed in years.  The next week  I went home and began my long recoverey.  Our daughter, was growing and I was happy I was there to witness her growth and happiness.  

I think back to where it all began and wonder if I had never met him,  would my life have ended up different? Probably so. But to me,  I wouldn't have changed anything.  It was a story,  our story everything through good and bad,  we never stopped loving each other.  A bond never broken,  a love that never died.  I kiss his heart and fall asleep,  happy.

The end.

Thank you for reading and supporting my story and all the comments and stars.  I deeply appreciate it very much. 

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