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This chapter will be everyone's POV explaining their feelings

Lorenzo Russo's POV

They took her, my daughter they played with us and took her. They were a step ahead of us this whole time. They shot him and killed him. My son, they killed him. But knowing  Alexa isn't safe I think that is what made his heartbeat again. Now only time will tell if his heart will stop again. Alexander is now in a coma. Alexa is kidnapped by the Irish mafia. Javier betrayed us and is now in our warehouse being tortured by Alfonso's sons and Alfonso himself while I sit here beside my son in the hospital.

Alfonso's POV

I failed her, I failed my only daughter. I failed my sons, I failed my best friend and his son. I basically hired the traitor as her bodyguard and he became her best friend, or we thought so but it was all an act. 

Hit after hit I don't even let Javier speak. Knowing he is not gonna know where they took her.

Diego's POV

I failed her, my sister, god I can't believe I did not protect her. I should never have ever let her go through the mission. I should have tried to convince them otherwise. When everything went down we were tricked by Javier, he had told us they managed to hide Alexa in one of the hideouts so we went there instead of the club. The only one there was Xander because the plan was that we were on call and he was the one who was gonna catch the traitor. And he did, it was not only Javier it was one of the low-life workers we had in the house, but what we did not expect is for the Irish mafia to have bought Javier. After my dad had nearly beat him to death we let him explain

Javier's POV

I swear I had to God I love her like a little Sister I do. But what I haven't told them is that I have twin sisters and my mom that I help take care of because of the lack of money. And the Irish mafia knew that they first tried to give me money but when I didn't give up my loyalty they took my sisters. That is why I had to do it.
I tried to explain everything to De Luca's. I needed to know Xander was OK but they wouldn't let me know.

"What should we do with him?" Enzo asked his brothers.
"Burn him? Drown him? Shoot him?" He continued

"Uh... I think we should wait for Alexa, let her decide because I know if she was here she wouldn't let us do anything of that and because he meant something to her we should not let her be mad at us when we can wait for her" Diego said, thank God. I want to at least know she is alive even if I die after that.

Lorenzo De Luca POV

I want to kill him so so bad. He hurt my little sister, he got her kidnapped. I can't believe Diego wants to wait until we get Alexa back.  She saved my life and now is my time to save hers.

We failed her, we failed the little girl we promised a family.

Romeo POV

Is it bad that I blame my family? I was against it from the start, why the hell would they let our SISTER even get involved. I was with Xander when she texted him, I knew she was scared as hell. Heck, I was scared as hell for her safety. Even tho I haven't really been showing her how much she already means to me, but it is because of situations like this. Why would we bring an innocent girl into this world...

Elijah POV

I'm missing something. Javier seems so confident that we are going to find her.  We all are on our worst moods right now and I think everyone is blaming themself. We sit in the big conference room everyone just staring at each other not knowing what to do anymore. It has been two days now and still no sign of her. 

That is when one of our men came in with the package. Feeling like everything in our life is crumbling down we were all afraid to open it.

"fu''k it! " Romeo broke the silence and opened the package. He then looks at what is inside and takes out the flash drive with a note reading it out loud. 

who is the smartest and biggest boss now, bi**h

Hey guys! Today is my free day so I'm gonna try and update at least one more. I have been working a lot, in 15 days I only had one free day so I have been really tired to do anything but sleep. But I am free today and tomorrow so I am gonna try and update or at least write so I can update regularly. 

Loving the support you are giving me, thank you <3 

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