Chapter 12

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---Ninja's POV--- 

“And you left her at the Wayne Mansion?” He paced before me in the abandoned warehouse. The smell of mold and mildew was everywhere, attacking my senses and setting me off of the very early breakfast I’d had that morning.

“Yes sir.” I answered as calmly and respectfully as I could. “She was inside the building right as I left the grounds.” My eyes darted around quickly, taking in the mad-scientist looking tables and glowing green pools behind him. The light from the unnatural waters cast evil looking shadows along the walls and upon the Demon’s face.

“Do you know where she would be now?” His voice sincerely curious and lacking the normal threat that he held special for these kinds of moments.

“She will be searching for the item you seek.” Ra’s al Ghul stopped his pacing to glare at me.

“Of course she is you fool! My question was aimed for a more specific answer. I have combed this city looking for what Nigma had them steal from me,” his voice now three times louder and five times more violent. His eyes burned into mine and I had to quickly look away before my staring upset him.

“Where ever she is, she will find it.” I offered quietly, earning a chuckle in response.

“I know she will,” he smiled and gazed off into the distance. “Because she doesn’t want to die. My true worry is that she’ll find it, and die before I can cure her.” His eyes found mine again and I now understood his reasoning for the sudden and strange concern of her whereabouts; the Demon needed to know where she was so that he didn’t loose her.

“I shall go search for her.” I bowed and turned to leave.

“Good. You seem to be the only one of my assassins that can successfully find her,” he muttered to himself more than anything.

I quickly found the door at the front of the spacious building and threw it open. The cold wind nearly blasted me back inside; nearly. I pulled my black jacket tighter around me and started on my way to the heart of Gotham.

You seem to be the only one of my assassins that can successfully find her.

Maybe that had something to do with how she was more a mystery than smoke; how I couldn’t quite figure her out. All my life, I’d known how to read people and expect what they’d do, but not with this one. It frustrated me that she was able to surprise me after all the training I’d received from the Demon himself. Why could this one girl elude me constantly?

It’s probably that smirk, I thought to myself. I had a weakness for mischief, and it was obvious that she was full of it; that being the only trait I could pin on her.

Once I reached the center of the city, near the park, I saw her pick herself off the ground and start to walk away; but not before smirking at something. I turned my head to the side to see a younger boy watching her walk away before answering a phone call. I turned back to look at where the mysteriously mischievous girl had disappeared to. She had hopped onto a motorcycle and sped off towards a quieter part of town. I jogged over a couple streets to try and keep an eye on her retreating figure.


After jogging another couple of blocks, I found her motorcycle parked behind a dumpster near a manhole. One of her bags was open and I could see she’d discarded her black flats by the metal lid; lying to the side of the hole. I rolled up my sleeves before descending into dark sewer tunnels of Gotham. It wasn’t too bad until my feet hit the slippery cement at the bottom.

The darkness didn’t bother me; Ra’s had trained us in darker places, so sight was not a problem. What bothered me was the unnatural silence of everything. It sounded as if all living things had been removed from the earth and this is what was left. The normally running waters that moved the waste of Gotham were still, and it unnerved me.

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