Plays and Parts

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TW: Rules

Crutchie POV
I woke up rather early to go to school, for some twisted reason. I tried my hardest to fall back asleep, but just couldn't. I was in the weird phase where the time you lay there feels like forever but it turns out to only be seven and a half minutes since you last checked the time.

I finally decided to get up, so I did. I got ready for school and then soon left, a copy of my essay thing in my hand. When I got to where the rest of the gang was I slapped the paper onto the small stack.

"Hey Crutch!" Spot smiled.

"Today is so exciting! Sending all these off AND learning our play parts." Sarah squealed. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. Finally the last thing was placed onto the pile. It was filled with many different medias, including essay type things, poems, artwork (mostly by Jack), and even discs and flash-drives for videos.

Katherine scooped all of the contents into a separate bag she had. We had designated her as the deliverer because she was probably the most reliable to not forget and actually be able to do it in time. The bell rang, and I jumped at it once again. Stupid anxiety flaring up because of stupid dreams. I growled to myself. Before I could stop it a pang of pure anxiety hit me as I saw my friends walking away.

I ripped my focus away from them and towards Jack, Davey, and Elmer. The friends I was staying with. I should probably tell someone about my nightmares, right? I thought. Maybe later. I promised, before catching up with the others.

Jack POV
I managed to sneakily hold Davey's hand as we slithered through the halls. Luckily nobody homophobic was paying attention, although we did get some smirking looks from Elmer and Crutchie. I had noticed that the latter was rather jumpy, and his separation anxiety seemed to be flaring up. I'll ask him about it later.

"Jack, about the date tomorrow." Davey whispered.

"What about it?"

"You know that Sarah is planning it, and I trust her. Somewhat. Anyway, I am going to have a back-up just in case, okay?" He told me. I nodded.

"Sounds great. Also, I get to plan the next date." I stated. He chuckled slightly and nodded, agreeing.

"You two lovebirds might wanna cool it. Bozo brothers at twelve o'clock." Elmer advised. Davey and I dropped our hands as the Delancy's marched towards us. Only a few more paces until the classroom. We can make it. And we did. Just in time too. I slipped it quickly, Davey and Elmer following.

I looked back and saw Crutchie was held up with them slightly. I was about to 'attack', when Elmer sprinted forward and dragged Crutchie away from them. I raised an eyebrow at Davey, who I knew had seen the interaction.

"It could have been platonic." I mumbled.

"But it totally was not. Gosh you and everyone else in the gang can be so oblivious." Davey groaned.

"That's why we have you, Kath, and Specs to point things out for us." I stated, matter-of-factly. This caused a beautiful smile to spread across his face, just in time for the lesson to start.

~~~Time of the Skips~~~

I basically ran to the bulletin board when my second period class was over. I was quickly met with a crowd of many people, but I could easily pick out the gang. I shoved my way through to them.

"What are they deets?" I asked.

"Never say that again, you sound like a facebook mom trying to be 'hip with the kids'." Sarah immediately stated.

"And Medda hasn't put it up yet. She should be though, any second now." Specs answered helpfully. Just as he finished, Medda walked through the hall. The crowd split for her as she pinned up the sheet of paper, before running off. Smart. She doesn't want to get crushed like the rest of us will. I joked.

Once she had left the people surged forward. There were shrieks of excitement and wails of sadness along with shouts of anger. Finally, the gang was able to walk up to it.

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