Learning you by heart

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Sirius always had trouble concentrating in class. Stay still sitting at the desk, condemned to keep himself physically in the same place for two or even three hours is torture enough. Also, oblige his mind to remain attentive to -for example and without going any further- the explanations about the Gnome Wars against Goblins is to ask too. Classes have always served him for any more than drawing part of the Marauder's map. For more than six years in Hogwarts, he has never paid attention to an entire lesson. At all. Even though, he carries magic in his veins like no other student at school. It's enough for him to slightly overhear a lesson to know what it is about and he's never needed more than an attempt with the wand to get an enchantment. Potions give him something worse but the advantage of having friends like James, Peter, or Remus is that they always come to his aid when he has forgotten some ingredient.


If he couldn't concentrate before he ever kissed him, how could he do it now that one of his best friends has become one of the biggest distractions of him? It is impossible to pay attention to a History of Magic class when he can dedicate himself to unraveling his fucking mystery. It's like the ocean, the bloody werewolf. He takes notes in class, stays in silence, raises his hand when the teacher asks something, and always seems peacefully at peace with himself. It seems incredible that he is the same model student who writes incendiary letters telling how he masturbates thinking about him and gives the hottest kisses in the UK when they turn off the lights. The same seemingly harmless Remus who, if you careless promises to make him beg on his knees, he will return the favor.

It is offensive that he may be thinking about The First Peace Treaty with the Goblins when Sirius can't stop thinking about how to drag him to the darkest corner of the school. It's hard to find the time, with James and Peter and Lily are always hanging around.

What irritates him the most, is that Remus doesn't seem as desperate as he does.

"I am dying and he pays attention during class. You have to screw it up".

In third grade, Sirius managed to enchant a quill so that he could leave messages on the scrolls of his companions without having to pass them flying or hand to hand. He just needs to write the student's name first and then a message. The letters appear for twenty seconds on the indicated scroll and then they are erased without a trace.

One of his great contributions to international mischief. He is waiting to be of legal age to be able to patent it in the Ministry and sell it to Zonko's.

He writes "Remus" first.

And then, the message for him.

"Hey, nerd. What makes you think you can make me beg? I remark that there have been more who have tried, than those who have triumphed "

Not bad. When all else fails, a challenge can help. He knows there is no use to drag Remus to the back of the greenhouse. He needs to try and provoke him first.

"Nice try, Black. But you will have to keep waiting because there is full moon tonight ".

- Shit, damn it.

- Mr. Black- it is the teacher's voice that makes him realise that he has spoken aloud. - If that is your opinion about the social hierarchy of the gnomes, I suggest that you save it for yourself. Ten points from Gryffindor.

He mutters "I'm sorry, Professor" and Remus, that bastard, is not even looking at him. Sirius has a sudden attack of sympathy for all those nameless girls he's fondled for years and ignored as they pined for him in class. Who has turned the world upside down and suddenly has given Remus Lupin total control of the situation?

"Damn full moon of the bloody ballsack".

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