Chapter 79

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Damon brought Lydia into his arms and wouldn't let go as he ran his hands down her back and through her hair to reassure himself that she was there and safe in his arms.

We all watched the sweet moment before I motioned for me and the girls to leave them be.

They needed this moment and it would be better if it was done alone. It was a sensitive subject and they deserved their privacy.

I walked back into the sitting room with the rest of the girls who were immediately surrounded by their mates.

Once everyone calmed down we all heard the sound of the door closing as Lydia, Stiles, and Damon left.

"So what exactly happened because one second I'm drinking at the Grill with a certain history teacher and the next I'm getting a text that something is going on?" Enzo asked as he held Caroline close.

"Yes, would anyone care to enlighten us" Nik said sarcastically.

I sent him a teasing glare making him raise his hands in surrender.

I sighed "well Kathrin's mate is in a prison world. There are two that I know of and one has her mate and the other has a Coven of siphoners and Damon's mother in it. Apparently, they have a past with Lydia" I explained simply.

All of the guys nodded in understanding while Kol looked at me with a devilish smile "so are we killing them?" he asked in his adorable psychopathic way.

I smirked darkly "oh yes, that or leaving them in even more torment. I won't say what they did without her permission but I can say they deserve to rot in hell and I will personally make sure it isn't a good stay" I said darkly as my magic started filling the room in my anger.

Before I knew it I was in Finn's lap and he was running his hands down my back to calm me down.

I sunk into him immediately and my magic was back under control within a minute.

Bekah was staring at the wall angrily "they will all pay" she said as her fangs came out.

"Not all of them, there was one girl that wasn't there

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"Not all of them, there was one girl that wasn't there. Valerie didn't have anything to do with it and trust me she has suffered at their hands as well" I said with no room for argument.

Caroline waved her hand dismissively "fine we spare the Valerie chick but the rest die Painfully. I think Damon and Stiles should get to kill the two men" she said from Enzo's lap.

The men in the room had their suspicions but once that was said they were confirmed and all of them held their mates a little tighter.

It wasn't long after that everyone went to their own homes for the night.


Later that night I decided to take a shot and called my Grandmother to see if she knew anything.

I knew it wouldn't be fun but I did not expect to be screamed at the second she answered the phone "YOUNG LADY YOU BETTER HAVE A DAMN GOOD EXPLANATION FOR NOT CALLING ME AND TELLING ME YOU FOUND YOUR MATES. I HAD TO FIND OUT FROM OUR MAGIC. NOT TO MENTION WHAT IS THIS SHIT ABOUT YOU STARTING YOUR OWN COVIN?!" my grandmother screamed from the other side of the phone. Oh shit she's pissed.

I didn't say anything for a moment so I heard "I am waiting for my explanation young lady" in a strained tone from the other side.

I sighed "I'm sorry Gran but it was just so Hectic. With the new bond I forgot about anything that wasn't right in front of me. Not to mention it has been problem after fucking problem" I said in a huff as I sat down on the couch.

"It couldn't have possibly been that damn dramatic" she said from the other side of the line with a very unimpressed tone.

I sighed "my mates are the Mikaelson brothers" I said simply.

I heard her pause and then sigh "you're forgiven" she said simply

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I heard her pause and then sigh "you're forgiven" she said simply. Ha, I knew that would work.

I smirked in amusement before sighing "now how about the reason I called" I said trying to change the conversation.

"Oh you mean you didn't call me to finally fill me in? Color me shocked" she said sarcastically.

I laughed lightly "I know, I'll make sure to call you every once in a while and keep you updated. Now, do you have any contact with the Gemini Coven?" I asked casually.

"I do... but they don't exactly appreciate our outlook on the world" she said with cation.

I nodded and rubbed my forehead "could you get me in contact with them? I need into those damn prison worlds of theirs and I'm hoping they will let me snag and kill a few people" I explained as I examined my nails.

She sighed in exasperation "I can guarantee that won't be happening. Those folks are real uppity about their prison worlds" she said with a scoff, I could practically hear the eye roll.

I groaned "of course they are, honestly wouldn't be shocked if there was more than the two I know about" I said with an annoyed tone.

Gran scoffed from the other side of the line "of course there are. See the thing is they never realized it's a Taylor spell that makes the prison worlds, so every time they make one we get a usable copy of the Ascendents. Do you really think we let them make a prison without giving ourselves the Key? Ha, we're too smart for that" she said and I could hear the arrogance coming off her in waves.

I was about to make a sarcastic remark before I heard what she said and started laughing "well you just made this whole thing so much damn easier Gran. remind me to call you more" I said excitedly as I immediately sat up.


Guys, I need to start writing these ahead of time. My ass keeps waiting till the day before and I keep fucking myself over. I think this one came out pretty good tho. Also I think you guys should be informed I will be using way fewer gifs from now on. They make Wattpad so damn glitchy. The writer's side of Wattpad is already so glitchy as it is but when I add gif's it gets to a whole new level. I'll still put some but probably now more than one or two in a chapter.

If any of u guys have read my Volturi King's book u know I had two chapters that went out of place in the order and Wattpad literally wouldn't let me fix them and that was cuz I put gif's in. I figured out how to not make that happen anymore but it is still such a pain in the ass. It's why I barely put any gifs in my holly potter series.

Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot.

The Instagram for my books is @amberpoconuts

Edited: 2/10/22

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