Back in Contact

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Note: the letter part is inspired by user ReggieJWorkshop's Email part in their fanfic 'Gang of Four' so some credit goes to them :)

Part 7: Back in Contact

What's up, Wakko! Or, as we would say, HELLOOOO Wakko! Great to be back in contact - that is, if this letter sends out..

Oh, it sent out..

If this letter doesn't get to Wakko, make sure it gets to Wakko Warner. Please. We'll have any help, we just want Wakko to know this stuff.

It's me. The one and only, Yakko Warner here. You might be wondering if Dot is okay, she's fine. Just sad. I'm okay too, don't worry.

Thank jesus.

We're not exactly going to lie, we have no idea where we are. Everytime we find an opening in this eerie palace we get greeted by a pitch black space. But we'd rather see that than our captors, honestly.

He's talking again. Getting into great detail. He really is okay.

The thing about our captors, is... well, you're not going to like it, but they've sort of been 'torturing' us..

Oh really? Those creatures are asking to die that much?

Everytime we've tried escaping they black us out with a reddish gas - it makes us sick whenever we wake up. They've been threatening to hurt you to prevent us from escaping.

They can hurt me all they want. They hurt you guys then they're DEAD.

We're sorry for possibly making you feel worse and rushed. As long as you're trying, that's all that matters to us. Don't let us down, okay? We're counting on you.

I know..

And don't worry about the 'torturing' thing. We're the Warners. We deal with anything. All we want is to just get out of here. We're counting on you Wakko. We love you.

I love you guys too.

Good lu

Wakko looked at the letter in consternation and in confusion. Why had it cut off? Did those creatures black them out again? Those creatures are dead..

"Wakko?" a familiar reassuring voice soothed.

Wakko looked up from the letter to see Nurse's face. "Hello, Nurse." he responded in a melancholy tone.

"I take it you had gotten the letter?"

Wakko nodded to confirm the question. "Did it get to Elijah before me?"

Elijah shook his head, and answered the question for Nurse. "Actually, it had gotten to Brain. He gave it to me when you were in Good Egg. I'm sorry it took me so long to give it to you, I didn't know when the time was right."

Wakko smiled. He accepted Elijah's apology and welcomed it. He was just glad he got it anyway. Now he knows his siblings are okay. "Why did it cut off?" he asked in a concerned way.

Elijah winced at the question, Nurse did likewise. He hoped Wakko wouldn't ask. "To be honest, we have no idea." he answered unsurely.

"Yeah, Brain thinks the weird masked figures blacked them out with said gas Yakko had briefly described." Nurse tried to answer the question, but was also unsure of her response. "We also don't know how the letter had gotten to Brain."

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