Elizabeth Olsen ~ Innocence

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"Have you slept with her yet?" Evans asked me after I waved at Lizzie as she passed by. "No, why would I have slept with her?" I asked him, turning my gaze to him, "You've been giving her the look." He told me.

I'm known to be a bit of a womaniser, and I wasn't even sorry about it. The rest of the cast knew all about it and anytime I so much as looked at someone, they assumed I want to sleep with them, or have slept with them.

I was sitting in my trailer after filming was wrapped up for the week when I heard a knock. "Come in." I said, not moving my gaze from the book I was reading. "Hey y/n." I looked up instantly at the sound of Lizzie's voice as she entered the trailer.

"Lizzie. Hi." I greeted her, setting my book down. "I was wondering if you wanted to grab a coffee with me?" She asked nervously, fidgeting with her hands, "Of course."


"What's it like getting to do fight sequences?" She asked me and I took another sip of my coffee. We were in a small cafe with creme walls and only two other people in the place. It was lovely, the smell of coffee beans and freshly baked goods could put a smile on anyones face. "It's a lot of work, but when you get it down, you feel a sense of pride. What's it like seeing all the cool red stuff come out of your hands on the big screen?"

"It's surreal, and really awesome." She told me with a grin. Her grin melted my heart, made me feel hole, what are you doing y/n? What is wrong with me?

"I had a really fun time." I told her as I finished my coffee, "We should do it again." She said and after paying the bill we headed out, taking a walk along the quiet streets.

"Why did you ask me out for coffee? I mean, it's flattering, but no one has actually ever asked me on a proper date, ever." I admitting as we continued our stroll. "I know your track record and I know that some people would tell me to stay clear but I don't care, something about you makes my stomach do flips." She said and she took my hand in hers. I looked up and smiled as I watched her innocent and childish grin form when she spied a bakery.

"Pastries?" She said with an adorable excitement in her voice, "Pastries!" I repeated with a smile, desperately trying not to show the butterfly's she gave me on my face. There was something about this girl.


Evans, Robert and I were sat around a table at lunch a few days later and for some reason I couldn't get Lizzie out of my head. I was snapped out of my daze when Scarlett sat down next to me with a smirk on her face.

"So, I heard you had a date with Lizzie. You know she was a virgin right?" I whipped my head around and whispered, "Lizzie's a virgin?" I wasn't disappointed and I didn't think any less of her at all, if anything I respected her and I adored how innocent she was. "I think you mean was. Clearly you two did it, I mean who have you not done it with?" She said, making Robert and Chris laugh.

I shook my head and continued eating, "I didn't sleep with her." I told them and they all looked at me in shock, "When was the last time you didn't sleep with someone on the first night?" Chris asked, shock in his voice and the others just stared wide eyed, "She's different." I said bluntly, grabbing my lunch and leaving them to it.

I walked to the other side of the break room and sat down on the sofa beside Lizzie who was reading a book. Her concentrated face is so cute, God what is she doing to me. "Hey." I said, snapping her attention away from her book.

"Hey y/n." She closed her book and placed it down beside her, "I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner tomorrow night?" I asked, trying desperately to hide my nerves. "I would love to."

And that was the start of it, the nerves and the cute dates. I didn't even kiss her until our 4th date, I didn't want to muck this one up so I took it slow. Everyone was completely shocked when they saw me doing normal couple stuff with her and it made her so happy knowing I wasn't with her to get in her pants.

She saw how much I was willing to do to hold on to her, and how much I had changed from sleeping with different women every other night. She changed me in ways I didn't even know possible.

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