Epilogue - Part 1

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Five years later

My mind was awake but my body was still so tired. I rolled over in bed coming face to face with two men equally as tired and sleeping like the dead. I gently and quietly climbed out of bed, grabbed a robe and slippers and quietly left them to finish resting. A yawn left my mouth as I trudged down the hallway half awake.

"Aww I knew mommy's big girl would be up already" I smiled, leaning over the crib watching her chubby body wriggle around and her toothless smile light up the room. I picked her up and gave her fat cheeks all the kisses "Good morning my pretty girl, yes good morning" my animated faces entertaining her

"Mommy?" My sleepy eyed little boy strolled in with his Koya plushie that he slept with "Is Nari awake? I coming to see her"

"Yes she is, you're such a good big brother. You want to help me feed her?" He nods and goes to grab a burping cloth for me "Thank you"

"Can I read book for her?" Cheol-min asked, grabbing a Korean children's book and turning to the beginning. He can't read Hangul yet but he likes to make up stories based on the pictures, his imagination is beautiful. I sit in my rocking chair and latch Nari onto my nipple, my son sits his plushie next to my chair while he sits across from us reading out loud

Cheol-Min 'reads' with enthusiasm as I smile and laugh at him acting out certain parts for us. When he's done I give him a round of applause and hear a second pair of hands clapping as well. I look up to see his his dad standing in the door frame listening

"Appa!" He jumps up and leaps into his arms "I read Nari a story"

"I heard, you did a good job" he comes over to peck my lips "Good morning babydoll"

"Good morning Joonie, how's Chae-won?"

"Better, her fever finally broke a few hours ago and she has been asleep since. I hate seeing my baby girl like that, I almost cried"

"Aww babe, she's okay" he leaned in to give Nari a kiss on her chubby cheek as she continued to drink. "When this hungry little one is finished I'll check on her"

"Appa can-can we wake up Kookie?" Our son asked pinching Joon's nose

"Yeah lets go wake up Uncle Kookie" he and our son ran out of the nursery to terrorize Jungkook. After Nari finished I took a walk around our mostly quiet house with her on my shoulder softly patting her back until she burped. I ended up in Taehyung's room, sliding into his bed with our daughter between us.

"Morning to both of beautiful girls"

"Good morning baby," I gave him a kiss then he kissed his yawning daughter. He took her and laid her on his warm chest, she snuggled with him and fell asleep instantly. I could only smile as I watched the interaction, feeling happier than ever.


So I'm pretty sure you're wondering what happened over the last five years, well... A LOT.

Everything was pretty normal for a while once I came back from America. I decided to keep our relationship a secret until after their service was over which was shortened to only 13 months under special circumstances instead of the mandatory minimum of 18 months. They enlisted in 2022 and were in my arms again in 2023. Felt like the longest year of my life.

That same year I finally broke the news to ARMY along with the rest of the world. The guys were right about everything. So many people hated us for loving each other and it really broke my heart to see so many of their fans act that way. I could also understand why a lot of them felt the way they did, not that I agreed with them. I prefer to try seeing another's point of view before I make up my mind. However, lots of people, way more than I expected, supported them and wished them well in love and happiness. We went through hell for months before I got fed up and decided to address it on my own. We did a three-part televised interview where we allowed people to ask us questions, rant and overall express how they felt about our situation. It was a crazy idea but it worked! We told 98% of our story (leaving out the contract, that part is just embarrassing now) in truth. It took some time for people to get used to me being the sole woman in their life but over time most fans adjusted to me.

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