Chapter 18

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Act Two, Scene one

Longbottom House

Albus sits in his bedroom at the Longbottom house, packing his things unwillingly for his third year at Hogwarts. Despite his protests, his parents and Neville were still encouraging him to go to go to Hogwarts for his third year. He knew the reason. Hogsmeade. His father had signed the form and sent it over.

Albus stared at the letter laying on his desk. He'd meant to reply, but couldn't completely formulate what to say yet. Sometime in the middle of July, Scorpius had sent a short letter telling Albus that his mother died of illness and they were having a private funeral, but he was invited to the memorial, which was this day next year. He knew just saying "Sorry for your loss, I'll be there." wouldn't give any condolences to Scorpius. 

He heard footsteps coming towards his room. He quickly went over to his desk and folded up Scorpius' letter. Next to it was a letter from his dad about James' start-of-term gift, a hair comb that turned his hair pink. Albus found the photo quite amusing. It depicted James frantically trying to cover his pink hair.

Albus sits back down on his bed just as the door opens to reveal Neville, who came in holding what looked like a box of chocolates. Great, now he was getting comfort chocolate as a gift to convince him to go back to Hogwarts for third year.

Neville: Al, listen. I know—

Albus (angrily): Do you really? Or are you just saying that so I don't get mad? I doubt you understand what it's like not wanting to return to Hogwarts. After all, your grandma didn't seem like the cuddliest person ever. 

Neville: I do understand, Albus. As a child, I had a strict family who put a lot of pressure on me. While I did want to get away, I didn't quite know how. Hogwarts, on the other hand, was another story of constant struggle. At Hogwarts, I couldn't really connect with anyone. There were four other boys in my dorm. Your dad, your uncle Ron, and Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan. Those four formed their respective groups, and I found myself alone. I wasn't good at magic. I got called a squib. Everything took a rather dramatic turn in my sixth year. I found myself in a circle of friends. I was popular enough. People respected me. I assure you, Al, while that time hasn't come for you, it will. Very, very soon.

Albus: Except for one key fact. I'm in Slytherin. My friends are a Malfoy and my family and family friends, none of whom will be Slytherins. You were in Gryffindor. Friends with the group of the most popular sixth-years. You got invited into an elite club for elite students.

Neville: You've done much more than me so far. You found the traitors. Now you just need to expose them and be done. (Seeing Albus' expression) I have something to cheer you up. Here. Your dad and Uncle Ron went out to buy a box of chocolates from Honeydukes. Your dad thought you were going to like it.

Albus: I do like Honeydukes

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