"What's a soulmate?"

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Clay and George ran around the playground giggling whilst playing tag.

Clay ran up to his mom, holding George's hand.

"Momma?" Clay bounced up and down, George also bouncing beside him.

"Yes, Clay?" Clay's mom turned around and smiled at the sight of the two boys holding hands.

"What's a soulmate?" Clay cocked his head to the side.

Her green eyes squinted as she smiled.

"It's a... It's like a bestfriend, but more." she kneeled down to their height.

She watched as her baby boy tightened his grip on George's hand.

"It's the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else." she continued.

George leaned into Clay's side.

"It's someone, that makes you a better person."

She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Actually, they don't make you a better person, you do that yourself." she restated.

"Because they inspire you."

Clay wrapped his arm around George's body.

"A soulmate is someone you carry with you forever."

She smiled again as George glanced at Clay and a rose tint swiped over his cheeks.

"It's the one person.." she trailed off.

"Who knew and accepted you." she continued.

Clay glanced at George and smiled softly.

"Believed in you before anyone else did."

George smiled back.

"Or.. when no-one else would."

Clay pulled George in front of him and pulled him to his chest.

"And, no matter what happens, you will always love them."

She smiled at the two boys hugging.

"And nothing could ever change that."

Clay put his chin on top of Georges's head.

"Mommy is Gogy my soulmate?" he looked at his mom expectingly.

"Think of it, will you always love him? No matter what happens?" she stood up.

"Of course!" Clay smiled and burrowed his face in George's hair.


"I HATE YOU!" George screamed.

Clay stood dumbfounded and was hurt.

Very hurt.

"Y-you don't mean that.." tears welled up behind his mask.

"Tell me why I don't." George spat, glaring daggers at Clay.

"Because we're soulmates remember?" Clay took his mask off and wiped his eyes.

George's heart shattered. He remembered the day in the park, Clay's mom telling them what a soulmate is.

He remembered how warm he felt wrapped in Clay's embrace.

Clay would always love him, and he's treated him like crap.

George walked closer to Clay and hugged him, "I'm sorry Dreamie.."

Clay sniffled, "It's okay.." he hugged back.

Clay grabbed George's chin and tilted his head up to face him. "I love you."

George smiled sadly, looked toward the ground, and mumbled, "You don't love me how I love you.."

Clay tipped George's head up again, bringing him into a short kiss.

George smiled into the kiss, soon giggling.

Clay chuckled with his eyebrows furrowed and looked at George confused, "What?"

"I love you too Claybie." George kissed Clay's cheek.

Clay threw his hands in the air and started jumping around.





Word count: 440

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