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She stepped out of the car walking towards the big house in front of her with a shaky breath.

"He'll either try to kill you or seduce you. He tries anything you kill him. Am I understood?"

She slipped inside taking off the fur coat handing it to the maid and looked around at how beautiful it was.
"Nari, I was expecting your husband." Taehyung walked down the staircase in front of her with a smile. He didn't seem to be the complacent young boy she had grown to know, this was his space. Every step he took cracked the marble under his feet, his aura dominating the space as he took her hand placing a kiss on the back.
"He sent me instead. I heard you had business to discuss?"
"Right this way." He lead her into a room that wasn't an office of any sorts. It was more like a polar room. She took a seat looking at the chess board on the table in front of her with careful eyes. "Wine?"
"Please." He poured them both a glass handing her one and coming to sit down on the other side.
"Do you play?" She admires the pieces and smiled to her self.
"I used to." He placed his glass down looking at the board.
"Hmm, you used to do a many great things before you became a wife. How about a game while we talk?" He didn't give her time to retort his back handed statement before he looked down again. Sliding a pawn forward.
"I guess so. Tell me Tae. How did you manage to fool us for so long? Murder doesn't really seem like your thing." She moved hers taking a sip of her wine before he leant forward humming to himself.
"Interesting open... smart. And to awnser your question..." He slid another piece in place. "Yoongi should really do background checks. It was far to easy. As for murder, I don't do it myself. I'm not fond of getting my hands dirty." She looked at his move letting a assumed huffed from her nose.
"Are you planning to kill my husband next?" She moved another piece taking his pawn off the board with ease.
"No, I thought I might play with him a while." He moved taking a piece of hers making her cock and eyebrow bringing a bishop out to threaten him. "The way I see it, Yoongi isn't here tonight because you got worried he would kill me. Like it or not you care for me, so I have a proposition for you." He moved again taking another piece from the board leaving her second guessing herself.
"And what might that be?" He watched her pieces trying to work out what she was planning to do.
"Leave him, take your children and run. Come to me, then you might survive. I would hate for a pretty thing like you to be caught in this mess." She focused on his hand as he moved slowly.
"And what if I ignore you."
"Then Yoongi looses his queen." As he said it her queen was knocked over from the board and her eyes widened.
"Are you making threats taehyung?" He smiled not watching as she moved another piece watching the way she leant over the board and her dress dipped down her chest oh so slightly.
"It's not a threat, it's a promise." He looked down moving a piece clicking his tongue with a smirk. She leant back in her chair sipping the wine. "Check." She hummed as his fingers stayed on the piece.
"Look again Tae." He frowned at her taking a glance noticing what had happened. While he had been listing off threats she had out smarted him. "Check mate."
"Oh you are far to clever sweetheart." She scoffed finishing her glass. "To bad you aren't this clever when it comes to pretty faces am I right?" She placed her glass down sending him a confused look. "Wasn't Yoongi just a pretty face when you first met him? And you decided to keep me and jungkook around because you thought we were pretty. How did the wine taste?" Things became blurry as she looked at his glass on the table still untouched he stood up with a smirk laughing a little. "You came here tonight thinking you would walk out with peace, you thought I wouldn't touch you. Hmm? The truth is I won't. You are going a way for a while sweetheart. Just until this is over. Don't worry about your children, Namjoon will take care of them and they won't be harmed."
"N- n- n-" she attempted to question him but her mouth wouldn't work she felt his hand on her face and saw him kneel down.
"It's okay sweetheart... shhh shhh shhh" she couldn't help but comply as he pushed her numbing body down to you couch. "That's it, sleep now. When you wake up it will all be over."
"Y y y you monster.." she stuttered out as her eyes began to close leaving him laughing a little as the noise faded out and her world turned black.


She's done. Do it now.

Namjoon looked at the text and bit his lip. He pressed the alarm to the house shutting it off before walking out and getting in his car. His eyes drifted to the rear view mirror as his niece and nephew sat asleep in their chairs after a long night.
"Let's get you guys out of here." He said as a blacked out car pulled up and two men got out walking towards the house. "I'm sorry Yoongi. I need her to be safe."

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