We got him. Are you ready?

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Since they had had such a long nap, they stayed up until six in the morning when George's dad came in the room to tell them to get some sleep. Then, at noon, George's father came back into the room to wake them up. He saw how they both clung onto each other like it was the only way to keep the other close. He wished that he didn't have to wake them up, one because George probably needed the comfort after the recent events and two, it might be embarrassing to have his dad wake him up looking like he's in a relationship with Dream. So, he went over to his phone and set an alarm to go off in thirty minutes and left the room. They would have to wake up soon but he let them enjoy these last thirty minutes of sleep they got.

The alarm went off beside Dream and he scrambled to turn it off. George woke up to reach over and turn his alarm off before falling back down on top of Dream. They stayed there, enjoying each other's comfort in their sleepy state before George got up and out of his bed. He was used to waking up with Dream like that now. And he was sure Dream was too.

But that still didn't make the blush on his face show any dimmer than it did. He looked back over at Dream to see that he had already been replaced by a pillow. Wow, real considerate, Dream. He sighed as he grabbed his clothes to go take a shower, leaving Dream to sleep for a little longer. It would be the most Dream would ever sleep, he deserved it.

When George got out of the shower, he pulled out his laptop and started to email his teachers to give him any assignments that they would do in class. He was sent emails back with documents of work and teachers saying not to worry about doing any work. At least some of them had a shred of empathy. He sighed as he opened Dream's laptop and did the same. His password and username weren't a problem since he had written them down on a sticky note and put it at the top of his computer like he would forget it. But then again, George really wouldn't be surprised if he did forget it sometimes. He got back replies complimenting his email structure and George began to worry about how Dream even survived high school for this long.

George was in the middle of doing a robotics assignment when he heard Dream rustle around in his sleep. He looked over to see the blankets wrapped all around him and the pillow, cute. Then as soon as he looked back at his computer, he saw Dream shoot up from the corner of his eye.

"George!" Dream yelled.

"What, Dream?" George replied. Dream looked over at him to see that he was alive and sighed.

"What time is it?" Dream asked.

"It's around 2:30. Did you get enough sleep?" George asked. Dream pulled the sheets off of himself and stretched.

"Too much sleep. I had a nightmare." Dream said.

"Aw, do you want to talk about your nightmare?" George teased as he turned to face him.

"Can't remember it. What cha' doin'?"

"I'm doing schoolwork, Isabella." George said.

"Like from Phineas and Ferb?" Dream asked.

"Yes, from Phineas and Ferb. Now unfortunately it's not summer so stop being lazy and start doing your work." George handed him his laptop as he said it. Dream groaned and took the laptop, scrolling through the emails of assignments he had. They had no mercy for him. He opened up the first document and started to work, he didn't feel the need to complain because George would just command him to do it anyways. And Dream hadn't heard him command anything since telling him to go to school today so he really hoped that he just happened to forget about it.

"Dream, can you do my homework for me?" George asked.

"Why would I want to do that? I don't even have all of the classes that you have." Dream said.

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