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Translated by Novice Translations

Messed around by Snacks

Arc 3: Fairy Doll X Beautiful Nun – 14

She’s Actually Very Pure.

  Ke Li recalled that day when she was captured, there was no chance to resist or even react, but for some reason it was very easy to escape without the slightest injury. She got dirty, but it did seem that Yan Hu really did let her go. 

  She’s a demon and I’m a fairy doll, why is the gap so big?1So, I’ve been calling her fairy doll but she’s really a Daoist immortal baby…fairy doll is much easier to remember and type.

  Humph, short legs are short legs, it’s not like I’ve never had longer legs in another world. 

  Ke Li suddenly got distracted, thinking about Shi Jin’s long legs. She shook her head and turned her head, grievously nestling it on Wei Ming’s shoulder. After taking two breaths, she felt more comfortable. 

  The voice transmission between Ke Li and Yan Hu couldn’t be heard by others. For a moment, from Wei Ming and Jing Xuan’s perspective, it looked like they were like both fighting like children. From her reaction, it appeared that Ke Li was defeated this time. 

  Ke Li rubbed the back of Wei Ming’s neck and it itched uncomfortably. She shrunk uneasily and gently patted her back to reprimand her. 

  And Jing Xuan poked Yan Hu on the back of her hand and whispered, “If you have anything to say to senior sister, say it, she will be busy later.”  

  Yan Hu smiled at Jing Xuan which was secretly tinged with sadness. Finally, she got to the main topic and said, “Tutu, let’s cooperate.” 

  ”…” This sudden request for cooperation caught Ke Li off guard. She was just roasting me about my short legs a moment ago, but now she wants to cooperate with me. How can I cooperate when I feel so uneasy? 

  Ke Li climbed up so her little body was slightly taller than Wei Ming. She said with a serious face, “Aren’t you the real boss?” 

  She thought she had to deal with foxes, but now it doesn’t seem to be the case. 

  Yan Hu didn’t understand: “Boss?”

  Ke Li explained: “It’s the leader behind the scenes.”

  Yan Hu shook her head and replied: “No.”

  “But didn’t you kill all those people? Do you think I would dare cooperate with you? And why should I cooperate with you?” Ke Li asked righteously. She was here to fall in love. She has the right to ignore other things that has nothing to do with the task. 

  Yan Hu looked at Jing Xuan and softly said, “I want to be with her.”

  ”And then?” Ke Li didn’t express her opinion. These two have already shared a bed, if they don’t end up together, they’ll be labelled as scum. Isn’t this normal?

  Yan Hu’s lips were curved, and her chin pointed towards Wei Ming. She said: “And… you also want to be with her. We are the same kind of people.” 

  Ke Li: “……”

  This is too much ah, she hasn’t even properly confessed. 

  Ke Li’s chubby little hand touched Wei Ming’s head and comforted her: “Master, don’t listen to her nonsense. I will properly confess myself, so don’t listen to her spouting nonsense.” 

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