Jamie, Venus and some thoughts

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Venus citizen information card
Card number: 2897
Name: Jamie Oliviera (2494-03-05 – present) (24 years old)
Occupation: Psychologist at the Venus Hospital
Department(s): Mental health
Salary: 320 dollars per month
Address: Anne Frank Street 54


Dictionary dossier
Name: Jamie Oliviera
Lives in Venus already for 4 years as Psychologists. Lives with her roommate Lilian Dalarosa. Brown hair, blue eyes, pale white skin.

Patient: Newton

(No last name due to being an immune at WCKD)

Condition: Selective Amnesia

Hospital reports:
1th month:
Can't remember anything except his own name and another name: Tommy. Usually asleep or reads. Always has a habit to wear scarfs. Emotional, but doesn't have any signs or symptoms of PTSD. Loves to listen to music. No appetite. Has a limp.

2th month:
Remembered that he was an immune at WCKD. Remembers a few different names, with no associations (Minho, Alby, Winston, Gally, Chuck). Has gained a little bit of appetite. Developed a fear for needles and heights.

3th month
Doesn't remember anything more. Has a lot of appetite. A little bit scared of blood.

4th month
Dr. Kyle Burry said that he wouldn't remember anything more. His amnesia can only be cured by a memory-orientated neurologist. There are no memory-orientated neurologists left. The last ones died at the burning from WCKD city (Teresa Agnes, Ava Paige, Diana Carrey, and Alexander Morgan).

5th month
Newt is out of the hospital, but visits us once a week. No changes.

Newt visits us once a month. No changes.

7th month
Newt is no longer a patient at the Venus hospital. He has some permanent scars and a limp. He will no longer remember any kinds of memories if a surgery will not be accrued.


Dear diary,

I haven't written anything since I packed my bags and left the red clan. Turns out that it wasn't safe heaven what I found. It is a small city called Venus, never heard of it ever before. It has a nice beach and I love it. I work now as a psychologist at the hospital under the name of Jamie Oliviera. I don't want my real name to be revealed. Teresa Agnes was a bitch, even if I say it myself. I don't like how I was, nor do I like my past principles. But the main reason is that Teresa Agnes has a memory-orientated neurologist degree. When I came here, to Venus, I saw him again. Newt stood near the university talking with some Korean girl with a book in her hand. His face, his hair, his hands. He was alive. I haven't killed him. I don't have his name on my list of the dead. It felt good, but I know that only thanks to Lilian, he is alive, not me.

We don't know each other, at least he does think that. He lost all his memory. Tom, Gally, Minho, all the people he cared about, what happened in the last city, what happened in the scorch, what happened when I betrayed everyone, who it was, who betrayed everyone. He forgot about me. And even if I don't really want to admit it, I am happy about it. I don't want to see the look in his eyes after he remembers what I did. I don't want him to hate me, even though he has all the rights and it would be fair for him to hate me. I don't want it, because I am scared. And if someone in Venus knows that I have my degree, that I am the one and only Teresa Agnes, I would be forced to bring him back his memory, and then, he will hate me. I don't want him to hate me. I am scared.


Dear diary,
Haven't written anything in here for a while. I am currently busy with my job. My roommate: Lilian, is a really interesting person. She is some kind of intimidating, like I can see her eyes reaching into my soul and seeing all my sins and what I have done. She is quiet, very organized, a leader, concentrates too much on her career and work and doesn't tolerate any kinds of misbehavior toward scheduling. A true perfectionist. She always wakes up on exactly 6AM, goes always for a run, and is never late for any deadlines or work. But still somehow manages to be a party freak, gets drunk exclusively on Fridays and only with vodka. Has absolutely horrible fashion taste. Seriously, who wears flannels over sweatshirts? She apparently. She likes to read but everything she reads has to be some kind of motivational speech book or a political- stuff-I have no idea- book. Or classics. She loves to read classical literature like Shakespeare.

It worries me, how organized and genius this person is and how she can be a mad freak who gets really weird drunk. She is weird but also somehow comforting... she likes to hug people and kiss on their forehead like she always does with me. She always calls everyone "my love", "honey", "sugar", "sweetie" and "baby". She always comforts people when they are crying or feeling a bit off. She understands when someone needs to take a day off, just because they need to. It's weird how of a complex person she can be. First you see her as cold as ice, but then discovers that she is also a big softie and then again you see her being strict and even a little bit mean.


Dear Diary
I and Newt are no longer strangers. We met when I was visiting the university to give a lecture about psychology. We bumped in to each other and now he knows who Jamie Oliviera is. I am scared.
More than I ever was.


POV Brenda
I stood in front of Venus. Big walls were all around the city. But unlike WCKD city, it didn't look like a weapon to scare of strangers and everyone who wasn't a citizen. It wasn't even to hold cranks back. It was a thing that defended Venus. It was...kind?

"But I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend."
- Tolkien

The words that Tolkien said in his book came into my head. And now I saw what they meant. These walls, the guns that made the cranks unconscious. It defended something that was truly magically.

Life. People who can laugh. Innocent things, the ones who grew up in Venus. They don't know how it was, being outside these walls, to see death, to see life being sparkled out of your loved one. To see that the once happy eyes being shot with a lifeless piece of metal, or how all the beautiful things were murdered. A lot of people sacrificed their lives to them to be happy. To the future generations. To humanity. To love.
And seeing Newt...the one who begged for dead, the one whose body laid lifeless on the ground. To see his eyes sparkle again with excitement and joy...I wanted to cry.


- How do you know my name? – The girl started to cry. She looked at me and I felt a little bit bad for her. –You don't remember me, do you?'
- No I don't... - maybe this girl knows something about the mysterious Tommy – I have selective amnesia...' – then she came up to me and hugged me. It was really tight and she looked at me again. Her eyes which were full of watery tears. – Do you know me?'
- Yes...Yes I know you...Not for a long time though. We were together for a little bit more than a half of a year – she looked at me – we left your dead body...- she stopped talking – what I thought was a dead body, at...'
- The train station of The Last City... – said Lilian.
- How do you know that? – Asked Brenda – Wait, Lills. How is he alive?'
- She came to the last city and saved him – said Olivia – he has been in a coma for a long time though.' Now it was Lilian's turn to be hugged by Brenda.
- Gosh, thank you Lills...and you Nollie.'
- Wait, how did you call me? – asked Olivia with a ...weird impression on her face.
- Nollie...- Brenda smiled – I used to call you that – she smirks – guess habits are hard to leave, aren't they? – The she turns to me – do you remember anything? Anything what happened before...before you got in a coma?'
- I remember only a few names and that I was an immune at WCKD.'
- What names do you remember?'
- Tommy, that one was the first that I remembered. And also Mi – she didn't let me finish my sentence.
- Well of course you remembered Thomas first.
- What did he mean for me? – I was waiting for an answer, but the one I was given shocked me.
- I shipped you guys, seriously – she laughed – you had a huge crush on him I think, but y'all never got together.'
Oh fuck, I loved him.

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