Chapter 27 : Hospital

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Chapter 27


Jeff POV

I opened my eyes and saw blood covering my hands. I shot straight up and hit my head on a sink.


I looked around and I was all alone. Where is everyone?

I stood up and tried washing my hands, but there was no water. I forgot the power was out.

I grabbed a bunch of paper towels to get the blood off my hands. I took my flashlight and slowly walked out to the hall and peered out. Dalton is really spooky when the power is out.

I started running for my dorm room. Once I got there, I jumped in bed and buried myself under the covers.

When the door opened, I literally jumped.


"Nicky?" I asked, softly.

"Yeah, it's me. Are you ok?"

"I'm scared. Where's Sebastian and Blaine?"

"Blaine and Sebastian are in an ambulance on the way to the hospital."

"Is Blaine going to be ok?"

"They don't know, but they think so."

"Can we go see them?"

"Jeff, there's more than a foot of snow outside. We would have to walk miles."

I sighed.

"I'm just worried. Blaine told us he would tell us if he wanted to cut, but then he went and did it while we were asleep!"

"I know. We'll need to figure something out if he's ok."

"No. There's no if. He will be ok."

"You're right. He will."

Nick got into bed beside me and I curled up beside him.


Sebastian POV

"If you're not going to talk to us about how you're feeling for your own sake, at least please do it for Jeff. Can you imagine how he must feel?" I asked.

"I know, Sebastian! I feel awful!"

"Then why aren't you telling us before you cut!? You could've gotten more hurt than you did, Blaine! You got lucky that I woke up and Jeff found you! You could've bled out on the floor of the bathroom! We would've all blamed ourselves, Blaine!"

"That's exactly what I don't want you to do."

"Then stop cutting! How hard is it to tell one of us when you feel like doing it!?"

"Extremely hard!"

"Well I need you to try harder! I can't lose you, Blaine! I can't!"

I started crying, just thinking about how bad this could've been.

"Sebastian, come here."

I got up as Blaine moved over in his bed. I got in beside him and just hugged him, crying into his chest.

"It's ok. I'm ok, Sebastian."

"But you almost weren't!"

I felt so angry that Blaine doesn't seem to care enough about himself to keep himself safe.

"Blaine, I already don't have parents I can talk to. I can't lose my best friend. You're all I've got."

Jeff POV

"Jeff, wake up. The power's back on."

My eyes flicked open and I sat up beside Nick. It wasn't freezing in here anymore.

"Is Blaine ok?"

"I don't know. We'll just have to wait. How about we go get breakfast?"


I followed Nick to the cafeteria. It was so nice to have the lights and the heat back on.

Nick got pancakes, but I just got some cereal. We sat down beside each other at our usual table.

"Jeff, stop stirring your cereal and just eat it."

"I'm worried about Blaine..."

"I know. But there's nothing we can do right now, Jeff."

I started eating my cereal, but I wasn't happy about it.

But then Kurt showed up and sat down across from us.

"Hey, where's Blaine and Sebastian?" Kurt asked.

"At the hospital. Blaine cut again. And it was bad," Nick said.

"Oh my god... That's terrible. Is he ok?"

"We don't know because all of our phones are dead. We could charge them now, but Blaine and Sebastian don't have their phones, so we can't call them anyway."

"Oh... I thought he was going to tell someone when he felt like cutting."

"So did I! But he didn't!" I shouted.

I got up and walked back to my dorm. I'm very frustrated.

Nick POV

"Is he ok?" Kurt asked.

"He's just really upset and worried about Blaine. He can't understand why he won't tell us when he feels like cutting so we can help him. The whole power being out thing made him anxious enough already, and I think this just pushed him over the edge. He can only handle so much at a time, you know?"

"Yeah... We should go check on him."

"Yeah. Bring your breakfast. Come on."

We got up. Kurt followed me back to my dorm. I found Jeff easily since he just buried himself under a ton of blankets in his bed.

"Jeff?" I asked.

"I don't want to talk."

I sat down next to the mountain of blankets on his bed and continued eating my breakfast. Kurt sat on my bed and ate his too.

"Do you know when Dalton is going to continue classes?" Kurt asked.

"No. There's still people who got picked up and aren't back yet, and they still haven't plowed the parking lot here. So I would guess not for a few more days," I said.

"Ok. At least the power is back."

"I know. It was so cold here."

"If this ever happens again, I'll ask my dad to take you guys home with me too."

"Thanks, Kurt."

"Yeah, of course. I mean, you guys are my friends now."

All of a sudden, the door opened and I saw Sebastian and Blaine.

"Thank god you guys are alright," I said, getting up to hug them both.

Kurt joined our hug.

"Blaine, um... I think you should talk to Jeff. He's really upset," I said, quietly.

"Where is he?"

"In his bed. Under all the blankets."

"Ok. Can I get a few minutes alone with him?"

"Yeah. We'll wait in your room."

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