What Truly Happens Behind Closed Doors | 01

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He stood there with the tip of his feet over the the edge, he looked down at the treacheries of the water.

'Why' he thought with grief.

'Why would you leave me for something so empty?'

"Why" he muttered aloud watching the shallow water beneath him as he took a breath "I won't follow behind you" he said.

"Hey kid you're not thinking of jumping are ya?" A man asked stopping as he was walking by with a smile on his face.

The boy scoffed and chuckled slightly "no sir" he replied turning to see a man in his 30s or so "just looking" he took one last glance of the water and then got down of the ledge with a very faint smile on his face.

"So what brings you here?" The man asked curiously "a skateboard" he said laughing.

"I'm joking, um I knew person who used to come here" he replied smiling slightly

"Ian by the way" the kind man said with hand out, the boy took it with a firm grip and shook it.

"Peter" he replied smiling "well it was a pleasure meeting you Peter, I better get going" the man said.

"Well have a good rest of your day" Peter said politely, "thank you and you too" the man said and then walked off down the gravel path.

Peter took his skateboard which was leaning against the wall and walked off the separate way. He kept walking until he was off the gravel and started to cruise on his board down the hill back into town. He swayed in and out the lines on the road as he always did ever since he was a child.

He continued to cruise down the neighbourhood until he reached his house, he didn't see his foster father's car in the drive way, so continued to walk in the house.


He was about to walk up the stairs when a voice came from the living room "didn't I tell you, to leave my stuff alone" his foster father said slurring his words, Peter froze in his tracks for a moment and sighed in disappointment.

He walked over to the open door "I didn't touch, your shit" he said firmly looking over at the horrid man who was surrounded in empty bottles and a half full one in his hand.

"You don't talk to me like that" he said seriously.

Peter could feel his heart racing "or what, you can hardly stand up, you're so drunk, and you've got so much cocaine up your fucking nose it would snow if I shook you" Peter scoffed taking a step closer to his foster father.

"You think you're so tough, you're just a pathetic little boy" the man said as he stood up swaying a little but getting his balance.

He walked over to the young boy "it's your fault" his foster father said, "your precious aunt flung herself off a bridge so she didn't have to look at you every day, she was so disappointed" he continued.

Peter could feel his blood boiling as he clenched his right fist "stop" he said firmly looking his foster father dead in the eyes.

"You should just kill yourself, no one would miss you" he said to Peter laughing like a psychopath.

Peter swung at the man, hitting him in the jaw, he laughed again as he spit blood onto the floor.

"You're a fucking psycho!" Peter shouted taking another swing at the man.

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