Bonus Chapter: Roxy Checking In

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Here's a bonus chapter of Sharp Roses!

This is like a short aftermath of the story.

After that hole incident with Sir Pentious, the hole gang went back to the hotel to have diner. Main course, Alastor's famous Jambalaya.

It was no surprise to Roxy to expect him to cook his favourite dish. She had already make that recipe with him a few times, his mother's. The Radio Demon had mentioned his Mother to her many times whenever they had a conversation. But he never mentioned his father, Roxy knew that it was best not to ever bring it up.

As everyone was waiting at the table, both she and Alastor wiped up the ingredients, Alastor mixed it all in a pot, while Roxy did the rest. It was no surprise for Husk and Niffty that she knows how to cook, but for Charlie, Vaggie and Angel it was.

Vaggie still has her suspicions on Alastor, but she keeps an eye on Roxy as well, with a famous thief at the hotel she needs to make sure that the Demon-Fox doesn't try anything sneaky.

"Roxy, dear, I want you to be my taste tester!" The Radio Demon took a scoop full of Jambalaya and shoved into her mouth without even letting her reply.

Roxy was surprised at first for getting food shoved in her mouth for a moment, but she eventualy ate it. After that she let the taste filled in her tongue to think if it's good or not. After a few moment of thinking, she answered. "Maybe if we add some of that spicy hot sauce it will sure be the bees knees."

"Of course, whatever you say sweetheart." Alastor made a bottle of hot sauce appeared out of nowhere and added an amount of it in the Jambalaya, before stopping and took a taste of it himself this time. "Ah, nothing says better than adding hot sauce!" He replied satisfied with it.

"You said that to everything, especially with cupcakes..." Roxy rolled her eyes at the Radio Demon's love of spicy food.

"Why, they are simply more good with it, other than sugar..." Alastor ended in a slightly unenthousiastic tone, cause of not being a fan of sweets and sugar.

The Demon-Fox rolled her eyes, frowned and shook her head, ears pressed down as well.

Later, everyone was served, they immediately dig in, and they found the Jambalaya really good actually. Even Vaggie hated to admit it as well.

"Wow, guys this so good!" Charlie squealed as she is fond of the meal's taste. "You both really have a talent at this." The Princess scooped another bite of the Jambalaya as she added.

"Dear, please, I can't take all the credit, Roxy here is the one who done most of the dish." Alastor girned gesturing the Demon-Fox.

"Al, really, it's not like everytime that I cook something it always ended up good." Roxy felt a bit embarrassed. Sure cooking is her thing, but sharing her talent is something else.

Angel swallowed a huge bite of his Jambalaya as he added. "This is the best meal i've ever tasted!" He had already tasted food like this, but this, is like a hole new level of food. "Toots, you really are good at this shit!"

"Like I said it once, she truly has a gift." Alastor smiled as he took seconds of the Jambalaya.

"Where did you learn to cook like that?" Vaggie asked, a bit curious before taking another bite.

Roxy paused for a bit before responding. "My Grandma would always teach me to cook or bake something whenever I visited her. Been doing it at age 5, I know, it's surprising." She sighed smiling remembering it. "So whenever I like, I would always cook something for me and my sibs when Mom's at work or during family visits. Whenever I make something it felt like I was making magic out of a spoon." She played with fork a bit as he continued. "Well, that's  what my Mom used to say to me..." Ears pressed down as she thought of her mom.

Vaggie now felt bad for her, even if she is a thief, Roxy still cared and thought of her family. "Sorry, I, I shouldn't have asked..."

"No, it's fine, really..." She said with a sad smile in return.

For the rest of dinner everyone remained silent, not wanting to say anything else that would made her think of missing her family.

After all that, Charlie and Vaggie took some papers and along with Roxy, went to Charlie's office to check her in the hotel for the rehabilitation programm.

"Okay, Rosalinda..." Charlie gave Roxy a glass of water as she is sat on her desk.

The Demon-Fox took the glass of water as she started to drink it before stopping. "Roxy." She didn't like when people would call her by her actual name, since she didn't liked it.

"Roxy, we are gonna ask a few things for you to do so that you are fully checked in here, sounds good?" The Princess took out a pen as she clicked it.

Roxy only nodded in return as she finished her glass of water.

"First you are gonna filled this form with some information of you." Charlie passed her the pen and paper as the Demon-Fox grabed them and started to read the form, she then filled what it what written on it.

Name: Rosalinda 'Roxy'
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Demon Species: Fox/Fallen Angel
Birth Date: October 31st 1971
Death Date: August 12th 1991
Sins: Murder, Stealing
Cause of Dead: Run over by a car

After filling the rest of the sheet, she gave it back to Charlie, who then read it just to make sure she didn't miss anything.

"Okay, it seems everything is in order, you are officially checked in!" The hotel owner smiled.

"Just don't try anything dirty here while i'm here, entendido?" Vaggie added crossing her arms giving her a firm frowm.

"Si señora." The Demon-Fox replied in Spanish, in a perfect tone. Which surprised the Salvadorian and her girlfriend. "I can speak Spanish as well as a matter of fact."

"But..? How...?" Vaggie replied still perplexed.

"Some of my relatives are Mexican, I learned a thing or two about Spanish from them." Roxy explained. "So don't get too surprised, chica." She joked.

Back at the bar, Husk was drinking another booze as he waited for Roxy to come. Cause as long as she's here, he's gotta be with her. He remained silent as he stared at his bottle of booze in his paw. He didn't want to be here to begin with, but, what other choice did he had? He agreed to do this charity job, as he called it.

"This place is fucking shit..." He mumbled as he looked at his reflexion.

"You know that your talking to a bottle, right?" Roxy came from behind, on her cloud.

"Bout' time ya came back, couldn't stand that bitch's constant flirting.'" Husk growled annoyed as he went back to drink his booze.

"Yeah, you'll get used too Angel eventualy." She said now sitting on the bar stool. "Charlie said that i'll start rehab next week, so that I can get use to the first. Apperantly, Vaggie told me to tell you to not drink during work all the time."

Husk chuckled. "Yeah no shit..."

"But hey..." The Demon-Fox placed a hand on the older Demon's shoulder with a soft glance. "...while where working here, can you at least try to la low on the drinking for a change..?"

Husk knew that she was serious, that look, the look of which he can't ignore. He sighed as he put his booze down and used his other paw to held hers, who is on his shoulder. He nodded, giving her a small smile, that he will at least try to drink less.

Roxy gave a smile herself in return. She just wanted for him to at least to go through her periode of rehabilitation without drinking too much.

They stayed like that for a few moment before Husk went off. Leaving herself at the bar.

Roxy thought of what great things will come to her and the others at this hotel. 'I think that i'm gonna like it here at the hotel.'

Yes, Roxy can speak Spanish too.

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