Finding Out | 19

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October 1st

I just go back to the tower with the team seeing as school will end pretty school anyway.

I get to the lab and work on explosive arrows for Clint. After I made Nat's widow bites, everyone wants me to do their tech because I'm quote on quote "wayyyyyy better than Stark!"

"You're gonna be taking over my company with all this tech, jeez kid, don't run me out of my business" Tony says jokingly and I chuckle slightly.

"I wouldn't worry bout that Tones, I still have so much to learn" I say with a smirk.

After countless hours of working away at different projects and ignoring FRIDAY saying that we should leave the lab or Nat will murder us, the doors open and both me and Tony find ourselves being dragged into the elevator by Nat and Wanda.

"I'm calling your manager!" I say and Tony snorts.

"You guys need to eat!" Nat says in a scolding tone.

"I eat!" I argue, crossing my arms.

"FRIDAY when was the last time Pete here had a proper meal?" Wanda asks the ceiling.

"2 months Ms. Maximoff" she replies and they all snap their heads to me in shock.

"What?!" The three of them explain.

"I don't eat meals just string cheese and gummy worms" I say with a shrug and Wanda drags me out of the elevator and into the kitchen.

"You're telling me that for two whole months all you've eaten is string cheese and candy?!" Nat exclaims as Wanda shoves me down onto a chair.

"Making food just takes soooooo long and for some reason I just feel sick when I think about it" I whine, banging my head on the table.

"That's called an eating disorder, eat or we'll get Bruce to hook you up to an IV" Nat says sternly.

"Jeez is this what it's like to have a mom?" I scoff jokingly.

"Eat!" She says putting a plate of lasagna on me and everyone else takes their own.

"I prefer alphabet pasta, I can't make my name in this" I say with a pout and Pietro snorts.

"Yeah this is an outrage!" He says and I nods.

"It's almost as bad as the fact that McDonald's doesn't sell Dino nuggies" I say and he nods along.

"The only thing we have is Pepper's Penis pasta that Hill got her as a joke" Tony says.

"Ooh I love eating dick" I say Tony and Steve grow wide eyed as Wanda and Pietro fall on the floor laughing their asses off.

"So does Steve" Bucky says and I join Wanda and Pietro on the floor laughing my ass off also.

"Peter eat your food before it gets cold, you can have string cheese after if you finish at least half" Nat says and I pop my head up.

"And juice boxes?" I asks.

"Sure" she sighs and I jump up.

"Aye lesss gooooo" I say sitting back in my chair.

"You act like a 5 year old" Wanda deadpans and I just grin.

"Do you think Harley will come out his room today?" Tony asks and everyone just shrugs.

"I've been summoned" Harley says walking in with a blanket wrapped around him.

"He's alive!" Clint exclaims impersonating a mad scientist.

"Oh hey Ninja Bubs" Harley says to me with a bright smile.

"I told you not to call me that" I say with a smirk, he grabs a plate of food and sits beside me.

"You're eating actual food! I'm so proud!" He says wiping a fake tear from his eyes.

"Yeah I get string cheese after!" I say excitedly.

"Of course you're being bribed, here have some warmth" he says putting half of his blanket over my shoulders and we go back to eating our food.

"What the fuck?" Clint says confusedly.

"Since when did you guys know each other?" Tony asks with a raised brow.

We just shrug and snicker to one another, yes we act like children.

"You're wearing my sweater, you have a problem Blue, you've literally got half my wardrobe now" I say noticing the sweater that he's wearing.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" he replies sarcastically with a smirk.

"Aww relationship goals" Wanda says and Tony's eyes widen.

"WHAT?!" He exclaims and me and Harley have a telepathic conversation... not literally but like, we look at each other and have a silent conversation.

"Holy shit they're actually having a conversation, aww they know each other so well!" Wanda squeals reading our minds.

"I'm confused" Sam says.

"Parley has sailed!" Pietro exclaims with a wide grin.

"Pietro that ship sailed a loooooong time ago" I say and he just shrugs.

"But like, no one knew!" He says and we just look at him with blank expressions.

"I'm still confused" Sam says.

"Let's just say Stucky isn't the only gay ship around here" Wanda says with a smirk.

"So you and you, you're like dating?" Tony asks with slightly widened eyes.

"Precisely" we both say in unison.

"Aww that's so sweet" Nat says and we both blush which just makes her coo even more.

"My boy's all grown up" Tony says with tears in his eyes and he just hugs Harley, crying slightly while I laugh.

"I'm so glad Pete is my potential future son in law he's nice and sweet and I know for a fact that he would never hurt Harley or let anyone else do so" Tony says and half of the room start crying.

"I have a literal criminal record but thanks" I say and Harley snorts.

"Yeah he nearly went to juvie for putting a rapist on life support" Harley says and everyone just blinks in shock.

"Good job Pete!" Nat says with a proud smile and Clint snorts.

"He also set a government facility on fire" Harley says and I glare at him.

"That got covered up, we don't talk about it" I say to him.

"Hold up you what?!" Steve exclaims with wide eyes.

"Okay I had my reasons, and it wasn't really a government facility per se, Trump set it up, it was kinda a headquarters for members of the KKK" I say with slight disgust even at the name.

"How did you even know where it was?" Sam asks in shock.

"Oh I hacked into Trumps network found a shitload of things that were just horrible and then I discovered the base and my friend convinced me to blow it up" I reply with a shrug.

"Jesus shit kid, you should work for SHIELD or something" Clint scoffs.

"You may have done all these things but you didn't do it out of spite, you did it for the good of humanity" Tony says putting a hand on my shoulder.

"You're making me sound like some kinda saint, I'm just some guy that hacks into things and finds trouble in all the wrong places" I say and they all smile fondly for some reason that I'm not quite sure of.


I laughed like hysterically whilst writing this... there's something really wrong with me 😂

Word Count: 1180

- mayaaaa ✌🏼

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