How Did We Not Know? | 23

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3rd Person PoV

Tony comes out the elevator, covered in grease and oil stains.

"Why's everyone laughing so hard?" He asks with a raised brow.

"The kid flipped Clint onto his back, it was fucking hilarious" Sam says, slightly wheezing.

Tony smirks and walks over to a cabinet, he opens a bottle and Peter immediately stiffens at the slight smell of alcohol.

The smell gets stronger as Tony walks over with a beer bottle sitting on the couch across from the boy.

"Really Tones? It's literally only 6" Rhodes says rolling his eyes slightly.

He makes a joke and everyone laughs but Peter didn't catch his words, he's too busy trying to convince himself that he's okay.

His heart is racing, he places his hands on his lap trying to prevent them from trembling.

"Tony" Bucky says to Tony who's laughing with the team.

"Tony!" He says louder and Tony turns to him in confusion.

He just points at Peter and everyone turns their heads toward him.

"Hey Peter, you good?" Sam asks him with furrowed brows in concern.

"His heart is beating like crazy" Bucky says worriedly.

Flashes of his drunken father comes over his mind, snippets of memories of what the cruel man did to him.

Tony stands up and walks towards him, Peter's eyes widen and his breathing becomes hitched. Wanda looks into his mind and immediately grabs Tony, pulling him back.

"He's having an attack again" Steve says in realisation.

"What do you mean again?" Bucky asks with wide eyes.

"I'll explain later" Steve says.

"It's the alcohol" Wanda says.

"What?" Tony asks in confusion.

"I looked into his mind, there was a man, he- just get rid of it" she says to him and he walks out the room hurriedly.

"Детка, все в порядке, я здесь" Nat says soothing but Peter couldn't hear anything apart from his father's words.

"We shouldn't crowd him" Bucky says and multiple people back off.

Peter's phone rings but he doesn't seems to hear it, Bucky grabs it, the caller ID saying Dramatic Oaf.

"Uh hi, Peter can't come to the phone right now" Bucky says into the phone.

"What? Who are you? I swear if I don't talk to him in 10 seconds, I'll send a swat team to your house" the unfamiliar voice says.

"Chill, I'm a friend, he's having a panic attack or something, I dunno" Bucky replies.

"Ah fuck, okay get rid of any men in the room, doesn't matter who they are, there can't be alcohol and don't touch him, like at all, then the best you can do is wait it out" the man says.

"Okay and umm who are you?" Bucky asks curiously.

"That's classified sir, tell Parker to call me within the next 24 hours" the man says and hangs up.

"Um that was some guy he knows, apparently there can't be any men in the room or alcohol and we can't touch him" Bucky says to the team and immediately everyone but Wanda and Nat leave.

They go into the kitchen and sit at the table in a deafening silence.

Meanwhile in the living room, Peter starts to blink back to reality, his knees are still at his chest but he seems more responsive.

"Hey kiddo, you okay?" Nat asks in a soft tone of voice.

"I-I'm sorry" he mumbles and both Nat and Wanda look sorrowful themselves.

"You don't have to apologise Peter" Wanda says with a frown.

"You didn't do anything wrong" Nat says reassuringly.

"When I looked into your mind I saw a man, who was he?" Wanda asks and Peter's eyes widen.

"My dad" he replies, tugging nervously at his sleeves.

"W-who do you live with?" She asks with growing concern.

"He's in jail Wanda, it happened a long time ago, you don't need to worry" Peter says, knowing what she's thinking.

"It still doesn't make it right, you didn't deserve that" she says and hugs him, he  stiffens at first then relaxes.

FRIDAY gives the team the okay to come back in, saying he's calmed down.

"Soooo what exactly happened?" Tony asks his intern.

"It was just the bottle— I know it's pathetic— you'd never hurt me like h- it's stupid" Peter replies with a shrug inwardly shaking off any emotions.

"What? Why?" Tony asks with slight worry bubbling up inside of him.

"I really don't wanna talk about it Tones, but if it's bothering you so much, ask my dad, he might be dead though" he say with a scoff at that last remark. The team raise their brows at the boy, wondering what exactly happened before.

"Anyway I gotta go home, cya tomorrow I guess" he says standing up, they all say their goodbyes and he leaves.

The team still stand there all pondering in curiosity similar.

"FIDRAY? Where's Peter's father?" Tony asks, breaking the silence.

"Richard Parker is currently situated in Rikers Island Prison" the AI replies surprising everyone in the room.

"Prison? How long and what is he there for?" Nat asks, voicing everyone's thoughts.

"He has been there since 2011 serving his life sentence for the murder of Patrick Parker, Ava Parker and Thomas Parker, as well as the attempted murder of Peter Parker" she says and an overwhelming feeling of dread and dismay settle in the pits of their stomachs.

They look at each other in a silence, some even with tears in their darkened eyes.

How could someone kill their own children? How?

Bucky's eyes in particular held a sea of raging emotions, anger as well as overwhelming despair.

Clint just feels himself consumed with rage, he knows what it's like, and that just makes it worse for him. Worse because he never wants anyone to experience what he did and right now he's just found out that Peter went through more than he ever did.

But something they all shared was the guilt for not knowing. There was no possible way for them to know unless Peter told them directly but the guilt was still there.

How did we not know...


Ooft, this one was depressing af...

Hope y'all enjoyed...?

Sorry I didn't upload yesterday, I was busy I guess.

Word Count: 1020

- mayaaa ✌🏼

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