7 - Vanilla

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Addison is about 38 weeks pregnant and it's currently mid-November.

Two more weeks. I was supposed to have two more weeks before the baby was due. At this moment I feel like every single nurse and doctor who told me that was a liar because I'm 99.9% sure I'm in labour right now. 

The 00.1% was more wishful thinking at this point.

I was having contractions earlier but they were so far apart I didn't think anything of it and went to work like any other day. I'm currently regretting that decision. 

I take a shaky breath in through my nose and out my mouth as it dies down before walking out of my office like nothing has happened. Thankfully things were pretty calm around the bakery today, it was the weekend so Tammy was here and that gave me time to properly train Miles to take over while I was on maternity leave. 

You're probably thinking I'm a crazy person right now, and who knows maybe I am, but I had no plans on giving birth today; or even this week for that matter. There are so many things I haven't done yet, what if I'm not actually ready to be a mom and bring a whole human being into the world?

Obviously, it's a little too late to go back on any of that but I'm allowed to be a little scared. Right?

I cut off my inner monologue as I reach the front counter and see Asher standing there with two of his buddies. The smile on his face turns into a scolding glare when he sees me slowly walking towards him. 

"Why is she still working and not relaxing at home?" His gaze moves back to Tammy who was taking their order. 

"I tried to talk her out of it but she just threatens to sit on me every time."

"You do know that she is right here and can answer your questions for you." I begin to get irritated with them talking like I'm not standing right here.

"I'm on break, I'll take you to your parent's house right now. You need some time to relax before this baby's born." He and the other guys grab their baked goods, one of them got a coffee as well. 

My parents have taken a liking to Asher over the short time he's been around. My mom thinks he's a gem and he bonds with my dad over their common dislike of cops, Asher being a paramedic and my dad a firefighter there's always some unspoken competition.

The feeling of another contraction coming on leads me to believe it's much too late for relaxing. 

"Actually I think it might be just a little too late for me to relax." My hand reaches out to grip the counter.

"Addie it's fine you can go home, Miles knows how to run this place almost as well as you do." Tammy faces me leaning against the counter.

"No, Uhm, I'm pretty sure I'm in labour... right now." I'm able to get the words out before another contraction has me crouching behind the counter. 

I couldn't even tell you what happens next as I try not to scream out and cause a scene. Next thing I know two strong arms are lifting me from my position on the ground and onto a gurney, before strapping me in and wheeling me into their ambulance. 

Once the contractions over and I can finally speak I turn my head to see a worried Asher. 

"Where's Tammy? I need my purse, I don't even have a hospital bag with me, everything's back at my apartment. I'm not ready." I can feel a full-blown freak out coming on. 

"Hey, calm down alright, just breathe. I have your purse, and Tammy's going to your place and getting what you need, then she's meeting us at the hospital." I'm sure he could see my question forming and beat me to it before I could even ask.

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