Chapter 49 : blood sample

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accelerator and shokuhou has just left musujime

« did you really need to use your power on her ? »ask accelerator as they were walking toward the dorm

« I wanted her to leave us alone »said shokuhou

« I know she would have followed us forever »

« I guess you're right »said accelerator

« anyways....let's hope kamijo didn't mess with my room »

« you don't care about your room »said remark shokuhou

« your right, but i want to make rules if kamijo and i are going to be roommate »said accelerator

« like what ? »ask shokuhou [what kind of rules would accelerator would do?]

« if he's annoying me too much,i'm throwing him out of the window »

« can you actually do that ?,you know with his nullifying thing ? »ask shokuhou

« I just have to avoid touching his arm »said accelerator

« well,it could actually be hard,kamijo has way more fighting experience than me especially in bare hand fight,i wouldn't be surprised he could manage to escape me.... »accelerator seems to genuinely think

« that guy is fucking hard to kill and i talk from experience,i really tried my best to kill him»

« you know you may not like what i'm going to say »start shokuhou as she was thinking a bit about touma and accelerator living together

« i think it's actually the perfect occasion to sharpen your social skill »

« huh ? »accelerator actually stopped walking

« you know?since both of you are basically canceling each other,well not really but you see what i mean »said shokuhou

« Maybe you two could be good friend »said shokuhou with a smile

« oh...and what's make you think something so  absurd ? »ask accelerator

« who know...»said shokuhou with a smug

«'re gonna make me puke »said accelerator as he start walking again

« if he tries to annoying me i'm gonna sleep in the corridor »

« i think even the dorm supervisor would feel sad for you if you actuallly do that »said shokuhou

« you right,i should sleep in your room,she would have an actual reason to be angry there's no way i let her feel pity for me »said accelerator

shokuhou stop walking for a second

« you would't dare to sleep in my room ....would you ? »ask shokuhou with a tiny blush

accelerator smirk a bit

« who knows »respond accelerator as he keep walking

"i'm pretty sure you wouldn't mind"

« heh ? »shokuhou react a tiny blush

soon they were going to reach accelerator's room...and kamijo and kuroko

and they heard it

« stop it !!!! »scream touma

« just put on that damn outfit ! »scream kuroko

« but i told you it's too small ! »respond touma trying to run away

he run past accelerator and shokuhou,he was wearing his normal outfit but he look like he has started to undress and decide to dress up again fast

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