Ruby's Plan

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Nova Lupin-Black took notice of how the future generation was determined to avoid one question. The question of who died. This leads her to the theory someone close to her died. 

Before she could ask Harry spoke for the first time. 

"Oh no," he motioned to one of their children as he whispered in Nova's ear. It was the female version of Remus Lupin. This was Ruby. "She's got you're 'evil genius' face."

Nova smiled slightly as she rolled her eyes. 

"Rubes," Rose turned to her best friend, noticing the same thing Harry and Nova had. "What plan have you concocted?"

"We know Mum is powerful, like scary powerful," Ruby began. "She can quite literally erupt into flames and appear in a different destination."

"I don't think I like where this is going," James announced. "I don't like any of your plans. Or Jade's."

"They get it from their mother," Regulus snorted. "It appears to be an inherited trait."

"They're brilliant plans," Lily remarked. "But terribly risky."

"What if Mum can do the flamey thingy and appear here to help us get home," Ruby pondered aloud. "Then she can help us get home."

"That's nice and all," Roxanne nodded. "But Uncle Harry isn't going to let her-"

"No one controls mum," Jade said at the same time Nova scoffed and said, "No one controls me."

"I'm all for a woman's free will and not to obey a man," Tonks said. "But perhaps she should listen to Harry and not put herself in imminent danger."

James pulled his phone from his red hoodie. He flipped through his contacts until he got to the one he wanted. 

"What's up, Baby Prongs?" Teddy asked from where he lounged on the sofa at Potter Manor. 

"Hedgehogs," Freddie exclaimed. Everyone turned to him. "What?"

"The sky is not made of hedgehogs," Ruby rolled her eyes. 

"Moony Junior," James turned back to Teddy. "Where are Mum and Dad?"

"Currently fighting over the picture Mum has permanently stuck to the wall," Teddy snorted as he flipped the camera around. "I personally find it is one of my favorites."

Sitting upon the wall was the poster of Nova in her quidditch gear when she played for the Puddlemere team. Next to it stood a poster of Harry. However, while Nova looked powerful and elegant, Harry did not. 

It was taken when they were on their honeymoon. After the Weasleys, Hermione, Blaise, and Theo crashed Harova's honeymoon, there was one massive party. 

Harry wore a coconut bra with a green hoola skirt over his swim trunks. He was waving a branch lit with fire through the air wickedly screaming. His glasses were crooked and he wore the most bizarre hat anyone has ever seen. There was paint across his chest, but it was hard to tell what it was exactly. 

"IT'S ART!" Nova's voice came. 




"I ate her chocolate," Teddy giggled madly as his face came into view. 

"Caught you ya little minx," Nova smirked as she appeared behind the blue-haired man. 

Teddy let out a high pitch scream as he jumped several feet into the air. 

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