Final Chapter&Oppertunities Part 2: Time to Say Goodbye Or is it?

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Ariana's POV

I can't believe it's my last day with the boys. It seems like just yesterday I was getting called in to be their on tour dentist and now it's all over. "Hey Arianna you ready?" Niall asked while wheeling his luggage to the door, the boys following behind. I nodded and we made our way to the hotel elevator. We quickly made our way through the sea of fans to the vans and drove off to the airport. When we got to the terminal we said our goodbyes because we were all going to home, well at least the boys are. I'm going back to my regular job at my dental practice. Remember that patient I was with at the beggining Michael? Well he's getting braces in a few days, specifically the day I get back to work. "Flight 37H to London, England is now boarding" I heard over the airport loudspeaker. I started making my way over to the correct terminal and lined up to board the plane. I couldn't help but tear up as I looked back at my new best friends. My turn was soon up and I showed my boarding pass and walked to the plane, a single tear running down my face.


I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door. I quickly rushed down to see who it was. Paul was at the door which I find pretty weird since I'm done working for the boys now. "Hey Paul how can I help you?" I asked him as I welcomed him into my house. "The boys' management wants to meet with you later this afternoon at two so I expect you to be there" he said and walked out the door straight after. What could management possibly want from me? Who knows. It's noon now so I should probably get ready.

1:30 PM

I'm just arrived at the building where I'm going to meet with Modest to talk about whatever they need to talk about with me. I walk in and greet the receptionist at the desk. "Name please?" He asks, I give him my name and he gives me directions to the confrence room. I start walking in the direction he told me to until I'm met by a door that says 'Modest Management Meeting Room 1' and I lightly knock on the door. I hear a faint 'come in' and quickly make my way into the room and sit down in the chair closest to me. "So now that Dr. Kellley is present lets get on with this meeting, I promise this will be quick" a guy on my left told me. I nodded and looked tot the guy at the head of the table. The boys had told me about him, I think his name was Cimon Sowell. Wait no his name is Simon Cowell, anyway back to what he's saying. "Dr. Kelley, since we had you as the boys dentist for the duration of their tour. We noticed and overall improvement in their oral health and habits" "Excuse me, but what are you trying to say?" I interrupted him, but quickly covered my mouth to stop myself from saying any more. "Haha as I was saying, we would like you to become their dentist permenantly" Simon finished. I was absoloutely gobsmacked when he said this and without thinking started jumping for joy, but quickly composed myself and sat back down. "As for your regukar practice, you will be able to still run it and the boys will just have a personal day to come in and get cleanings and then anything that needs to be fixed, on separate days this time around" he explained to me and I nodded. "Any questions?" He asked and I shook my head, everything seemed pretty straight forward. I signed a quick contract and I was on my way. I guess this isn't goodbye anymore.

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was my very first book on wattpad and it was a huge success. I want to thank you for suggestions and voting for every chapter I am so happy!! Special thanks to @NiallersGirl20 for all the help throughout this first book. I can't wait for you all to read the sequel. Don't forget to send in your requests for My book with @NiallersGirl20 called 1D Dentist Imagines and my other book that you can check out in my bio.

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