Chapter 30 - Smoke, Fire, Rubber, Ink

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Three years have passed since a single drop of rain fell in the kingdom of oases. Seeing hope beyond turmoil, the people took up weapons. The burning land is now enveloped by a sad bellowing and a mighty swell. Having returned to the Alabasta Kingdom at long last, Princess Vivi and the Straw Hat crew landed at the port town of Nanohana. While hiding from Baroque Works' assassins, the group prepares for a trek across the desert to stop the rebel army. However, Luffy had rushed ahead of everyone else and lost himself. But now, (Y/N) is now searching for him before anymore trouble happens.

(Y/N): "Where could that idiot gone off to... he's better not taking away food secretly." he walks around while being noticed by his hat and his looks.

Women: "Hey! You're that man who saved me."

(Y/N): "I'm busy right now, I'm trying to find my friend." he walks but get pulled.

Women: "Come one, it'll be fun!" she closed her eyes when she was happy that she had his arm but opens them to see him missing.

The ink man hides behind a wall and did a sigh of relief. Then he wonders around to find him and past a few people, he accidentally bumps into someone and turned to them guy. They both exchange glares, they stood there for a bit, then they left. As the ink man walked away the guy he bumped into was stopped by a golden apple, but wasn't interested. Then surprise, the crew came along. Usopp and Chopper who was in his Heavy Point form were intrigued by it.

 Usopp and Chopper who was in his Heavy Point form were intrigued by it

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Usopp: "1000 YEARS OF LIFE?! FOR REAL?! FOR REAL?! YOU FOUND IT IN SOME ANCIENT RUINS?!" his eyes popped towards the man.

Old Merchant: "Yep, sure did! It's a legendary artifact of an ancient civilization!"


Old Merchant: "Yep! It's the truth! I give you my word!" he said able to convince them and making the two dance.

He would give the apple for a price of one thousand berries. The two was about to offer him the money but Nami came in to stop them from a scam. Zoro opened the curtain that had the old merchant's assistant painting apples in yellow. Then Nami started pulling them away from taking any more scams.

Nami: "Quit wasting time and look for Luffy! (Y/N) is already at it and you two should too!"

Zoro: "Where did Luffy run off to, anyways?" he starts walking and turn to his left to hear some noise. He noticed a boy with a orange hat asking a person something.

Orange Hat: "Just a quick question. Have you seen this guy?" he places down a wanted poster of Luffy.

Old Women: "Monkey D. Luffy?"

Orange Hat: "He might be here in this town. I've been looking for him for a while now." he said hoping that she know where Luffy was but the old women didn't.

The Ink Pirate (One Piece X Male Reader Volume 1) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now