epilogue (special chapter)

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— J I S O O—

its finally the day. the day i'm getting married to the love of my life - kim taehyung.

it felt as if the scene in the hospital was yesterday. wow, time really flies. it has already been a year. i could still clearly remember how i was so afraid. so afraid i will lose him, forever. he was in the operation room for at least 12 hours. all i knew that was that my heart couldn't stop pounding. i never knew he was that important to me. i love him. i really do.

i'm really thankful for namjoon oppa. i knew he had feelings for me. wouldn't it be too cruel for me to reject him after what he had done for me? i do not have the courage to say those stuff to him. how i only treated him like a brother, nothing else.

namjoon oppa told me the truth too. it broke me. it really did. but at least it lifted the heavy weight on me and allowed me to love taehyung freely like how i used to. it also allowed me to seek treatment. everything felt so much lighter. it was an accident. there is no way that i could blame him for it.

i realized how that accident hurt me badly was because i thought the driver was taehyung.

when the operation was finally done, it didn't end up being sunshine and rainbows. taehyung fell into a coma, and the doctor said the chances of him waking up is extremely low. and of course, i couldn't take it. i tried taking pills to end my life. foolish, right?

if it wasn't because of namjoon, i wouldn't have been here today, in the waiting room, about to marry my fiancé. he really did so much for me, and i feel like no matter what i do, it will never be enough to what i owe him.

"j-jisoo?" i was sleeping at the side of taehyung's hospital bed and looked up when i heard someone's weak voice calling me.

it was taehyung. he seem so weak, but his face lit up at the sight of me. my eyes widened, not believing that the day i have been yearning for is here. i waited for him to wake up for 6 months.

"taehyung!" tears trickled down my face as i immediately bring myself to hug him. this feeling, i'll never get use to it. we hugged for 5 minutes, until taehyung suddenly pulled me away and reached for his side table.

he pulled the drawer open and took out a small dark blue box with a ribbon on top. with his pale hands, he slowly opened the box and there sat a pretty diamond ring.

i gasped. i was in too much shock to say any word. "will you marry me, kim jisoo?" taehyung breathed, trying his hardest to show me his box smile.

"y-yes!" i managed to let out. i could feel liquid streaming down my face once again. i was about to reach for the ring until taehyung move it away from me. i furrowed my brows in confusion.

"how dare you try to wear it yourself?" he jokingly said before putting the ring on me himself. i became a crying mess.

"jichu!" namjoon oppa's voice brought me back to realisation. i didn't even realized that my mind trailed back to something happened 6 months ago. well, it was certainly hard to forget.

that moment really felt like i was y/n in a wattpad story.

"is it time?" i asked nervously and he nodded. no matter how excited i was, i'm still nervous, really. i mean, tell me, which woman don't get nervous marrying their future husbands?

i looked back into the mirror and adjusted hair that was done by annoying nurse, chaeyoung. remember her? yep, we are besties now. oh, she became namjoon oppa's girlfriend too.

"let's go, jisoo-ssi." namjoon looked at me, eyes glistening. now that namjoon has found his miss right, i feel like i can finally marry taehyung without letting him down.

i did a few deep breaths before standing up from my seat and walking towards namjoon oppa, crossing my hand with his as he walk me out of the room, into the chapel.

as i walk on the red carpet, though there were a lot of people - mostly taehyung's family and friends, everything felt silent. my eyes were fixed onto taehyung, as he stood there handsomely with his suit. my nose suddenly sting and i could feel tears threatening to spill. i bit the inside of my cheek to stop the threat.

everything happened so fast and i was already at the stage, infront of taehyung. i turned to namjoon oppa and smiled before facing taehyung.

we exchange vows and half way through the moment, i started crying. his face softened at the sight of me tearing up. wow, i really like to cry huh. especially for kim taehyung "you may exchange the rings." the priest said and with that, taehyung and i started to exchange our rings with one another.

"you guys may kiss." blood immediately rushed to my face causing it to become crimson red. it's my first time kissing taehyung infront of so many people. literally, there's at least 100 people here.

taehyung flashed me a smirk and immediately grab my face and start kissing me. i was not ready for that, but it felt so natural that i responded to it naturally.

"i now pronounce you guys as husband and wife." we broke the kiss and hugged one another.

as i dreaming? everything happened so fast and felt so surreal. it felt like fake love. the man infront of me - kim taehyung is literally my husband now.

the cheers of everyone woke me up. yes, this is indeed real. scary how my life a year ago was so different from now. i suffered from schizophrenia and started messaging taehyung, all thanks to yoonji, the one responsible for the voices in my head.

everything happens so smoothly, it really scares me. but whatever the future may hold, as long as i'm with kim taehyung, i know it will be fine.

or will it?

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