0.2 Chapter 5 - Silence

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TW// rejection, gore, death

Tubbo's POV
Tubbo sat on the bed, his only movement being to glance at the clock. It was nearly 12. Nearly time for hell, once again.

Tommy was beside him, helplessly trying to cheer him up, or even get him to say anything at all. Tubbo didn't want to listen. Their friend had just died, right in front of them. Why wasn't Tommy more upset? More scared?

What made him so fearless?

Well, that wasn't Tubbo's problem right now. If Tommy wanted to be all fearless and stuff he could GO RIGHT AHEAD. Not like he'd survive either.

"Okay Tubbo, it's time!" Tommy said, hopping to his feet. Tubbo didn't look at him.

He knew that his "friend" was getting desperate, but Tubbo didn't care. He'd been told to stay silent, so he was being silent. Isn't that what he'd wanted?

People-pleaser, Tubbo's mind grumbled, which he waved away as soon as the thought popped up.

"You take right door and I'll take left," Tommy said. When Tubbo didn't make any effort to respond, he added, "unless you wanna take left?"

Tubbo shrugged, rising to his feet. Might as well get through the night. What more did he have left to lose (beside his life and the little bit of sanity that remained.)

He grabbed his flashlight, walking directly past Tommy toward the right door. He was aware of the sad look on Tommy's face, but still, he tried to squash down his sympathy.

When he checked outside the door, he was alarmed to hear footsteps coming his way. He slammed shut the door, but then wondered why he was even trying. He came back every time, why bother?

For Tommy, I guess, Tubbo thought, gripping the flashlight harder in his hand. Or the slight chance of freedom.

"No stupid animatronics here," Tommy announced from the other side of the room. "Oh, there was one at the end of the hall, but it went away once I shined my light at it. Ha! Afraid of light, stinky robots."

Please stop so I can care less, Tubbo pleaded silently. He felt bad for being so.. so selfish, but really, he'd already dealt with enough "be quiet" threats.

Tubbo heard screeching and furiously spun around to shine the light at the bed. Two Freddles disappeared as quick as they'd came.

"So you're handling the bed. Got it," Tommy observed out loud. Tubbo stared at him a moment longer before he felt something quickly run past him.

Shit, he thought, looking at the closet doors which had creaked open. Another problem added onto this already stressful night.

After a second, he added, actually, all nights are stressful. Unnecessarily difficult, how about that.

Tubbo then heard breathing behind him and whipped back around, his mind scattered, shining the light at whatever stood there.

Sharp, glistening teeth was the last thing he saw before an overwhelming whirlwind of pain, and then nothing.

The boy at the other end of the room shrieked in horror, dropping his light. That stupid, bright light.

The dead, silenced body dropped onto the floor, blood beginning to pool around it. The nightmare backed out of the room, it's eyes glowing through the darkness of the door as it lurked.

The transparent, crying ghost watched it go. This was a whole disaster, and quite traumatizing for his friend.

How long would it be until he respawned? Last time it'd taken just a few hours, but the white shirted boy had never done this before.

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