Chapter Fifteen: The Gunslinger

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Chapter Fifteen: 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖌𝖚𝖓𝖘𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖗.

word count; 5.1k


You awoke, eyes batting  rapidly to blink away the bleariness from your slumber, before staring into the dark visor directly facing you. The Mandalorian was crouched right in front of you, and... maker, he was close. Not that you minded.

"Looks like you owe me a little something."

Oh, he was undoubtedly smirking underneath that helmet of his.

"That's too bad," you quipped, standing up alongside Din before brushing the sand off your dirtied outfit. "I was hoping to steal your bike, but I guess a kiss will have to do."

Glancing around, you noted the sizzling twin suns had formerly set down the horizon before you managed to wake, and instead a starry, dark night sky hung over you. A gentle breeze swept over you, chilling the air — a stark contrast from the grueling temperatures during the daylight of Tatooine. Perfect condition to ambush the sniper in the mountains up ahead. 

But, damn, you lost the bet. Not intentionally. You couldn't even recall falling asleep. It didn't matter anyway. Sure, you were compelled to remain on your rusty, worn-out speeder but at least you had a kiss to look forward to once returning to the Crest. You wondered what kinds of tricks and loopholes that Mandalorian had in mind for this to even be possible. Who would've thought that this would ever occur.

You were gonna kiss the Mandalorian you recently despised. Strange, but... pleasant altogether.

"We ride as fast as we can towards those rocks," Din declared, the three of you hopping onto your speeder bikes. And you on your crappy bike. Oh well.

"That's your plan?" Toro scoffed, a hint of fear in his voice slightly audible. "She'll snipe us right off the bikes."

Din tossed an object towards Toro, who instantly caught it within his own hands, examining it between his fingers. "It's a flash charge," Din stated. "We alternate shots, it'll blind any scope temporarily. We keep Shand's attention off her—" he gestured towards you with his head before continuing, "—who's gonna reach her before us."

You nodded in approval, leaning forward and resting your elbows on the bike's handlebars. "We've got a chance. A slim one, but a chance nonetheless."

"Wait, wait," Toro held a look of disbelief plastered all over his face. "You're gonna send the lady over there?"

You narrowed your eyes, opening your mouth and if it weren't for Din interrupting you, a cutting retort would've been shot right at the younger man. "Trust me, she can pack a punch."

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