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*chapter may contain MA themes

"Why are you smiling so much?" Charlotte asked. "It's unsettling,"

It was the next morning and my mother insisted we all sat down with each other for "family breakfast." She'd spent the entire morning making breakfast, and bowls of food filled our dining table. The twins sat opposite of me while my mom sat next to my stepdad, Rod.

"Can I not smile?" I retorted. I chewed through my waffle quickly and glanced at the clock.

"Charlotte's right," my brother Jayden said. "You've been acting kind of weird lately."

My mom eyed the three of us suspiciously and took a long sip of her juice. She exchanged a glance with Rod, who wasn't even paying attention to what was going on.

"I bet it's that Lucille girl," Charlotte remarked.

Suddenly all eyes at the table were on me. I glared at my sister and cursed her out under my breath. My mom turned and smiled at me, while throwing Rod a confused stare.

"Who's Lucille?" she asked.

I cleared my throat and almost choked on my food. "She's no one. Charlotte is just being- "

"Lucille is this girl Saint carried home to his room last week," Charlotte blurted out.

I threw her a look and she smirked back at me. Charlotte was notorious for not being able to keep a secret. She knew everyone's business and wouldn't mind airing out your dirty laundry for her own amusement.

"He carried her up to his room at midnight. And she slept in his bed while wearing his clothes."

I dropped my fork onto my plate and it made a loud clanking noise. "Anything else you'd like to add Charlotte?"

She bit into her waffle and shook her head.
"Nope. I'm good."

Sighing I buried my face in my hands and waited for the stream of questions I was sure would follow.

"You had a girl over in your room, and you didn't tell me?" my mom said. "Saint, after what happened with Emma, I don't want you having girls inside your room like that."

I scoffed and got up abruptly from the table. She had no right to tell me what I could and couldn't do. I knew I shouldn't have held a grudge, but I just couldn't bring myself to forgive my mother for lying to me. She didn't know where I went with Luci, or the fact that I knew I was an angel; I wasn't sure if I should bring it up.

"I got to go to school," I said.

Pushing in my chair, I slung my backpack over my shoulders. Charlotte and Jayden watched me carefully as I harshly put my plate in the sink and rinsed my hands.

"Saint can you at least explain to me why Beatrice called me?" my mom asked. "She said you spent around $1000 at her boutique yesterday?"

I shrugged and dried my hands with a paper towel. It wasn't a big deal. I could do whatever I wanted with my money.

"Saint," Rod said. "Your mother is speaking to you."

Grabbing my keys from the counter I purposely bumped into my sister's chair.

"Fuck off Rod," I spat.

Before I could hear their reactions, I bolted out the door and twirled my keys in my hands.

"Since when did everyone decide to get in my business?" I mumbled.

My car made a noise as I unlocked it. I dropped my bag in the backseat and before I could put my key in the ignition, there was a tap on my window.

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