chapter one

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<friday march 12 2021 9:30 pm>

"i need to kill dream, and i need to do it soon," you are watching tommy's stream, you gasp loudly as tommy quickly ends the stream.

wow, you think to yourself, i can't believe that just happened!

you exit twitch and open up instagram, ready to relax after a stressful day at school. you check dream's instagram, you love when he posts pictures of patches. your cat lola jumps up on your bed next to you and a realization hits you as you look from your cat to patches. lola, patches, lola, patches.

hmm, you think to yourself, patches does look an awful lot like lola...

your family rescued lola when you were little, and you guys were given very little information about where she came from. the only thing you knew is that she is from florida.

could it be possible that lola and patches are related?

you try to shake the silly thought out of your head.

i mean, the odds of lola and patches being related are so slim. just think of all the cats that look remotely like patches and just happen to be from florida.

you pull up a picture of patches off of dream's instagram and playfully put it in front of your cat's face. you don't expect much of a reaction, but lola starts to pur very loudly and a couple of meows escape her mouth.

that's weird...

"jake!" you call for your brother in the other room.

"yeah?" he screams in response.

"come here! i need to show you something," jake enters your bedroom and plops down on your bed as he softly pets lola.

"what did you need to show me?"

"okay, i need your opinion on something," you pull the picture of patches back up on your phone, placing it next to your cat's face so jake can see the comparison. "do you think lola looks like patches? they look like they could be sisters right?"

you see a glimpse of doubt and annoyance flicker across your brother's face but it disappears as he looks at the picture more intently, glancing back at lola.

"wow, they actually do look alike..."

"right? not only are they both from florida but just watch this!" you place your phone with the picture of patches in front of lola's face once more and she has the same reaction.

"woah!" your brother says as he gently hugs lola. "y/n, i think you might be onto something here."

"imagine i dm dream on instagram and send him a picture of lola. no way is he gonna respond," you both giggle at your ridiculous remark as lola gets off your bed and exits the room.

jake glances at you, his expression more serious than a few seconds ago. "who said you have to imagine?"

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