Chapter 25

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I wish I could stay like this forever.

I woke up the next morning still in technos arms. This time I was facing him. His arms were wrapped around me and my head was in his chest.

I looked up at his face. He looked so calm. He had a slight smile painted on his face. I started brushing my fingers through his hair admiring him.

He started moving slowly waking up. I continued playing with his hair. He slowly opened his eyes.

The second he opened his eyes and saw me playing with his hair he broke out into a smile. "Good morning" he said in his morning voice.

I couldn't help it but a small whine left my lips. I love his morning voice. It's hot. I stuttered for a second before saying "morning" he just kept smiling as I played with his hair.

We sat in silence for a minute before there was a knock at the door and we heard nick yell "everyone decent?" I replied "yep"

He walked in and said "we're all going to the store to get stuff for your birthday wanna come techno" "nah I don't want y/n to be home alone" techno replied

"No no it's okay you can go I need to shower" I said "you sure?" I nodded and said "but don't spend too much money guys" they nodded.

We got up techno got ready and soon left with the other boys. I took a shower and picked up around the house and in Tommy and tubbos room.

I was about to start cleaning the kitchen when techno called me

*call convo*

"Hey were picking up subway do you want something" techno said

"Sure just get me whatever you get and a coke"

"Alright we'll be home soon"

"Okay bye" I said

"Bye I- uh I yeah bye" he stuttered

*end of call*

Soon they got home and we all ate and talked. Once we finished eating Wilbur said "can you go hide in your room y/n so we can bring in what we bought" I nodded and

I went and hid in in my room and scrolled through Twitter. I couldn't hear what they were talking about all I heard was Tommy yelling at everyone and cussing a lot.

After a couple minutes techno came in and said "everything's hidden" "where at.... asking for a friend" I responded

"Funny... don't look through the boys room tommy insisted he could hide everything very well" techno said

"Scouts honor did you guys really hide everything with Tommy and tubbo?" I asked with a laugh "Yep everything except the gifts we didn't trust Tommy with those so we wrapped them and hid them with Wilbur."

I nodded techno then left the room I followed. We talked with the boys for a while before tubbo asked Tommy if he wanted to go on a walk.

"Do you want to go on a walk with me Tommy?" "Pog yeah let's go" Tommy replied. Me being the mom of the group I quickly stood up and said "I'll come too I don't want you boys going alone" Tommy just nodded.

We started our walk. Tommy and tubbo were talking about minecraft and women. I was just taking in the scenery and smelling the rain from the other day.

"Are you excited for your birthday? Only two more days" tubbo said wow I didn't think we'd been here that long. 9 days until I go back home.

"Yeah super." Your gonna love what I got you y/n" Tommy said "yeah? I bet I will" "hey y/n" tubbo said "yeah?"

"Uh Wilbur said when it gets late on your birthday your gonna send us to bed so you can drink alcohol is that true?" I laughed

"Yeah tubbo when you guys go to bed the adults are gonna play some drinking games" i said "why can't we play? I'm a big man" Tommy insisted

"Your underage Tommy plus you won't want to see what's going to happen" I said with a laugh just thinking back to the last time I played a drinking game with techno.

Around total strangers.... it's going to be so much worse when I'm with my best friends. "What's gonna happen?" Tubbo asked innocently I laughed and responded

"We're gonna talk about adult stuff is all" they dropped the topic and went onto something else. Soon enough we arrived back home.

It was already getting pretty late and I was tired from cleaning all day so I went to get ready for bed.

Once I was all ready I laid in bed scrolling through Twitter. The usual. I checked the time. It was now 3 am. Shit. I've been on Twitter for a couple hours.


Where's techno? Normally we're both in bed by midnight. Maybe he just fell asleep down stairs. I went down to where they were to try to find him.

I heard faint talking but it stopped as soon as I got close. I saw Wilbur and techno talking on the couch I gave them a smile and said "it's getting late boys" Wilbur nodded and said "yeah your right I should head to bed goodnight techno"

Techno nodded back and came upstairs with me "what was that about?" I asked "nothing just planning your birthday." He replied

"It's nothing too big right?" "I promise you'll love it" he assured me. We got to our room and soon drifted off to sleep. I woke up the next day techno had already left the bed.

I got up and ready for the day.

One more day.

Tomorrow is my birthday.

945 words

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