A Stormy Night

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It's been a few days since the talent show, and Charlie was very happy she and Y/n won. Y/n was more "meh" about it, but he did appreciate that the bullying has gone down some.

It was currently Friday night and the Demoness and Human were sleeping in their separate rooms. Well, Charlie was until...


The sudden booming noise startled Charlie, waking her up from her sleep and making her sit up in fright.

"What was that?" she asked herself as she looked around.

Another loud booming and crashing sound rings out, scaring the Demon princess and making her jump from bed. She hurries out of her room and across the hall, knocking on Y/n's door immediately. She kept on knocking, quickly and loudly until the door opens to reveal a very tired [Y/N] in nothing but shorts. He looks at the panicked She-Demon in tiredness and annoyance.

"What?" he asks. "It's 2:00 AM and I'm tired."

"W-well, there was th-this loud noise and--"


Charlie screams in fright again, jumping on to [Y/N] and holding on to him for dear life as if holding on to the teen decided the fate of her life, wrapping her arms and legs around the boy in terror. [Y/N] was unaffected by this action but was more intrigued by why the Demoness was holding on to him.

"Why?" he asks.

"Loud noise and--" Charlie starts to say, only for [Y/N] to sigh.

"You're afraid of the storm, aren't you?" he asks his friend.

"Storm?" Charlie questions as she looks at her friend in the eyes.

"It's when water pours down from dark clouds while lightning strikes the ground and thunder roars and flashes," Y/n informs Charlie. "Have you never heard of a storm?"

"We don't exactly have rain in Hell," Charlie states, giggling nervously.

"Then what do you have?" the Human asks.

"Fire," Charlie says with a straight face.

"... why did I even ask?" Y/n asks himself.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" Charlie asks with a small blush.

"Excuse me?"

"C-can I sleep with you tonight?" Charlie repeats. "I-I'm not used to this "storm", and I just wanna make sure nothing happens."

"No," Y/n says almost immediately. "You're a big girl, so you can handle it. It's just a storm. Now let me go so I can go back to sleep."

"No!" Charlie says in response as her grip on Y/n's body tightens, almost sounding like a child. "I won't let go until you let me sleep with you!"





Finally, Y/n gave in and sighed.

"Fine," he says. "You can sleep with me tonight!"

Charlie lets out a "Yay!" as she shoots her arms into the air in victory. However, this makes both her and Y/n tumble over and fall on to the floor.

"Heheh.. whoops?" Charlie says as her and Y/n's faces were close to each other.

"I'm already regretting this decision," Y/n says as he stands back up to his feet. "Now you better get in my room before I tie you to your bed."

Her Protector [Charlie Morningstar x Male Reader x MCU]Where stories live. Discover now