Welcome! Everything Is Fine.

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((A/N; 'The Good Place' fans probably know what the title is referring to.))

------A few weeks later----------------

I don't know what has been up with Michael lately. He's just been acting so weird. And there was one day that he came home from work acting unnatural. I asked his business partner about it and he agreed. And apparently 5 children went missing at the restaurant earlier this week. 

Michael's been gone longer and longer each night. Whenever I'll ask him what he's doing or where he was, he'd just laugh and say that everything's fine. He'd act like nothing's wrong, but I just know that there is something wrong. I've asked him multiple times, but each time, I just get the same exact answer outta him; "Oh Honey, it's ok, everything's fine."

I asked him about it this time, but I got a slightly different answer. "Honey, please don't cry." Why would I cry? What was he doing?

"Honey, you might cry."

I just don't understand what's really happening. I'm truly worried about him. Should I be scared too? I don't think that I should be, but I kinda feel like I do. It's freaky. Like someone else has been controlling him lately. 

And I keep on hearing someone in the middle of the night saying, "I'm not the bad guy, I'm just a bit surprising.". What is that even supposed to mean?! Actually better question, who's voice is that?!

There have been a lot of strange things happening at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. It's really concerning. Michael came home from work one day and when he walked through the door, I didn't even recognize him for a split second. I can't believe that I didn't actually recognize my own husband! Even if it didn't last for an entire second, it's still pretty bad for that to happen!

I sighed as I set down my phone. People keep on messaging me articles about the events happening at Freddy's. I hear about it enough as it is, I don't wanna have to be reminded of it! There are some nights when I'll just get so sick of everything happening in the world around me, that I'll just grab my phone, plug in my earbuds and start blasting songs in my ears. 

People started recommending that I do meditation, which I tried out, and I gotta admit, it actually did help a little bit. But it didn't solve my problems. I'd much rather blast 'Yarlio' by Arkona in my ears.

With what had happened before, you know with Christian, I was pretty sure that I knew what was gonna happen to the rest, but this isn't what I'll let happen. No, this isn't how I'll let it end. ((See what I did there? I can't fix you!))

I was pretty sure that I knew how I was gonna die. Car crash. Or something like that. Even though it was most likely destined to happen, I, of course, was gonna still have street smarts!

------Some time later-----------------

Dear Diary,

It;s all been a blur lately, it seems like. Michael opened up this new place called 'Fazbear Fright'. It's some horror attraction.

I had to quit my job at Circus Baby's to get a job at Fazbear Frights. But of course I'm for some reason considered the 'super brave gal' that everybody there knows. I honestly don't know why everyone is so freaked out about the events at Freddy's. It's like, everyone's so traumatized about it.

I went into the backrooms of Fazbear Frights the other day, but just couldn't go very far. I need to get back there though. There's some reports of animatronics being moved mysteriously, but the workers are already too afraid to even go near the old animatronics as is, so we're not sure what the heck happened.

I need to go further back there. This may be my last entry.

Welcome home.

-[Y/N] Afton.


I got up and got into my uniform. I was supposed to work at Fazbear Frights for a few hours today. Michael had to go in earlier than usual, so he dropped the kids off at school for me, which I'm extremely grateful about.

I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and quickly grabbed my car keys. I got a protein bar, the rest of my belongings that I had to take and was already out of the door. I smiled slightly as I felt the light mist on my face.

----------At Fazbear Frights'--------------

Alright, [Y/N], you can do this. It's just a simple backrooms check. I creeped around the corner cautiously. It's scary, to be honest. I slowly made my way down the hall, jumping at every single small noise.

I finally got to one of the first ones with the old animatronics. I was honestly feeling a little bit better, seeing them disabled. But there was one missing. That old Spring Bonnie animatronic. Springtrap, as we like to call him,. I carefully looked around,.. Now, I'm normally one that won't be like, "Hello?" like in the horror movies, but I just had to this time, for some reason. "Hello?" I asked. "Y'all, if this is some sorta prank, it's not funny!"

But right after that, I felt something grab me and hold a cloth over my nose and mouth, and everything just went dark.


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