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*TRIGGER WARNING: mention of self harm, if this triggers or upsets you, please take note.


"OKAY FAUNE, DO IT AGAIN!" says Landon, excitedly. His face is the brightest I've seen in weeks. It baffles me how he can be so okay and happy. How is it so easy for him? How can he smile so easily now? I wish I knew.

Landon bounces from foot to foot, beaming like a bead of sunlight. "Throw it at me," he says, bending his knees and putting his arms up, ready to catch it.

I eye him warily. "There is something seriously wrong with you,"

"That's rude,"

"You have a death wish," I shake my head.

He smiles brighter. "Don't I know it! Throw it, Faune."

I cradle the ball of sunlight in my arms. "This could go so terribly, you were lucky the first time, that doesn't mean you're immune—" I cut myself off when I realize he's up to something, "—what're you doing?"

"I'm going to tackle you, that's what you do in this sport, isn't it?"

"You are what?" I screech.

"Either throw it or die."


It's too late, Landon is sprinting my way. I yelp and try dodging his path, but he's faster. His arms grab at my waist and he throws me to the ground. He lands on top of me, grinning. I groan as my head smashes into the ground.

"I hate you,"

He raises a brow. "No, you don't, I think you're quite fond of me."

I mock a laugh. "Really, and what makes you think that?"

"I'm on top of you,"

I blink. "You rammed into me."

"But I'm still here, aren't I?"

"Not by my choice."

"Isn't it though?"

I scowl, irritation pools through me. I try elbowing him, but I still have the ball of sunlight in my hand. This was such a stupid idea. He wanted to play a game, he had me make a ball of sunlight that he could kick around, but in a very Landon fashion—he got bored of playing alone and forced me to play too. But kicking around a ball is not exactly something I excel at, so he suggested I try throwing him the ball and he has to catch it. But touching the ball burns his skin. I'm immune to it, but Landon insists he is as well.

Which, by the way, he is not.

Landon grabs my elbow and yanks it to the side; the ball of sunlight slips out of my hands and rolls away from both of us. He launches into the air and zooms for it. Damn him. I push myself up and go after the ball. I can't let him touch it again, I am in no mood to coddle his injuries right now. And gods know that he'd cry and whine over them. I'd never get a minute to relax.

Not like I get that anyway, though.

I pump my arms and legs to move faster, to beat this lunatic in front of me. Because I have to. It isn't safe for him.

No! He's almost there!

A hum begins to filter through my blood. A sweet song that feels new yet foreign. Something old yet young. It feels natural. It sings to me, lulls into my very being. I forget about Landon and focus wholly on the ball of sunlight. I watch as it rolls past all the mirrors. Light pouring off it, igniting the darkness of this realm.

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