Part 7

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Alice sharpened her tools to gut the poor Piper clone she had electrocuted earlier. She checked her monitors.
No Henry in any halls. But an interesting looking blob of ink caught her eye. She leaned closer, looking to see what it really was.
She scowled. It was that ink demon, guarding a miracle station that Henry was most likely in. She grabbed her microphone.
"It seems your path has been cut off for now Henry, but I don't like waiting, so fuck off you filthy demon!" Alice growled.
She saw Bendy look upwards with a grin on his face. He was still laying down like a cat. "Ha! Make me bitch! If anything yer more dangerous to Henry than I am." Bendy laughed.
Henry was confused. "But...I heard you talking about something quietly to yourself in the toy department, I didn't hear everything but I heard you say my name then get hands on, then tear limb from limb, and so on." Henry said.
Bendy looked confused for a second. Then he let out a soft chuckle. "No, I was saying that if Alice got her filthy false angel hands on ya I'd tear her limb from limb, and it looks like I should do just that." Bendy glared right at Alice's screen. The angel wouldn't admit it, but she was absolutely terrified.
"Hahah...I know where you are Angel face!" Bendy growled, standing upright. " you weren't trying to kill me?" Henry asked.
"I'm afraid I can't confirm nor deny that doll, but I'm still gonna catch ya one of these blasted days." Bendy smirked at the hole in the station.
Henry saw it and felt sick to his stomach. He was going to die. As Bendy disappeared into the wall, he then realized Boris was still in the lift.
He just knew Alice would hurt him. The animator threw the door open and raced down the hall, reaching the lift. He ran in.
"Boris we need to get out now! Let's hurry!" Henry grabbed Boris's arm. The two ran towards back out, but Alice closed the door.
Henry's eyes widened in fear. "Oh no, we're too late." He breathed. Boris cowered in the corner. Henry hugged the poor wolf.
The elevator was shooting down, the only thing they could hear was the strangling screams of Alice on the speakers.
In the background, Henry could barely hear Bendy's voice. "Ya sent them to their deaths ya idiot! You'll pay for that!" Bendy screamed.
Henry's last thought before the lift crashed, was 'maybe Bendy really is trying to save me?'
The lift crashed and the two blacked out.

—time skip brought to you by Bendy strangling Alice to death cuz she tried to kill his boi—

Henry woke up and groaned in pain. He glanced around and saw Boris. He looked like he was in much worse shape than Henry.
Broken arm for sure, lots of ink blood. Henry just suffered from many deep cuts all over his arms, legs, and face.
The animator carefully picked Boris up, but he was too heaven and Henry had to put him back down. "Don't worry Buddy, there's gotta be someone here who can help us, just one good soul..." Henry trailed off.
But then he heard voices. "It was this way, a loud crashing noise! Yes I know it could be dangerous, but whatever."
The voice sounded female. Henry wondered who it was. It also sounded familiar. It was probably someone he used to work with.
But knowing Sammy, it might not be a good thing. Henry protectively stood in front of Boris, holding a cracked metal pipe from the broken lift behind him and Boris.
Two heads poked around the corner. They saw a man, guarding a Boris clone. He looked weak and in bad shape. The Boris even worse.
It was another Boris clone, but with a robotic arm, and an Alice angel like woman with her hair tied back and a complete face. She also only had horns and no broken halo.
"Hello!" She said. The Boris clone pointed an axe at Henry. The animator glared, gripping tighter onto his metal pipe.
"Who are you?" Henry demanded. The Boris growled. "Tom, and I'm Allison. You're must've just gotten here." Allison said.
"Yeah, kind of. But I've dealt with shit so." Henry said. Tom advanced towards him. "Stop!" Henry yelled. Thomas stoped for a second.
"I'm warning you, you don't want to mess with me! I may not be the best at fighting, but I'm constantly being chased by a demon who will slaughter anybody who hurts me." Henry said.
Allison and Thomas looks confused. "But...the ink demon? Why does he not want anyone to hurt you?" Allison asked.
"I...I don't know. My best guess is that he wants to kill me himself...but I really have no clue. He just strangled Alice angel for sending me and Boris here into an elevator crash." Henry sighed.
"Actually, please just kill me." Henry dropped his pipe. Allison looked concerned. "But...why would you want to be killed?" She asked.
"I'm the main target of the ink demon, please just end my life, don't let me come back, just kill me." Henry pleaded.
He wanted it to be over. He was done being chased. He was sick of it. "I just know he wants to painfully kill me himself." Henry muttered.
"Come with us, we can keep you safe, you and your Boris clone." Allison offered. Henry thought for a second. But he was interrupted by inky veins covering the walls.

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