Pt 1 Chapter 10 - Life as we knew it

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Y/n's POV

A few days later Tony pulled up to the compound in his orange lamborghini. Rhodey had been transferred back to the compound's medical unit after his surgery and thanks to the advanced technology was healing well. Tony came in with a large metal case. "The psych examiner was an imposter, Helmut Zemo. Hydra had five other superhumans. But they had died. Helmut's family were killed in the Sokovia situation so he decided that he wanted us dead. His whole plan was to let us tear eachother apart which he almost did successfully." Tony took a seat on the sofa. Me and Nat were eating lunch at the table whilst Vision was sat fiddling with a chess piece on the coffee table. We all looked at the unexpected guest. "Cap and Bucky are safe but I don't know where they are going, whether they are coming home-" Nat put her hands together and rested them on her nose. "Barnes um.... He killed my parents on a Hydra mission. We um, had a fight and Cap gave me his shield but they are going off on their own for a while I think." Rhodey wheeled himself over to us from the kitchen. "Tony?"

"Hey. I um, I've been home, erm... working on a little something. But I'm back for good now." He put the case on the floor and opened it. "Supports. They can hold you up, might give you a chance to walk until we know for sure." Rhodey wheeled over.

Tony helped to wheel Rhodey down to the training room. There were bars there, assisting bars to help with his rehabilitation. Me and Nat followed, intrigued by Tony's efforts. Tony helped his friend into the supports and assisted him to stand. They walked to the bars and Rhodey used them to support himself before taking a steady step. "It's just the first pass." Tony told Rhodey.


"Give me some feedback, anything you think of. Shock absorption, lateral movement." Tony walked beside his friend, allowing the man to put his hand on his shoulder for balance. "Cup holder?" Tony joked.

"May wanna think about some AC down in..." Rhodey moved his hand and lost his balance, collapsing to the ground. I flinched.

"Let's go, I'll give you a hand." Tony crouched down to his friend.

"No, don't help me." Rhodey said panting, pushing himself up. He sat, breathing for a moment then cleared his throat. "138. 138 combat missions. That's how many I've flown, Tony. Everyone of them could've been my last, but I flew them. Because the fight needed to be fought. It's the same as these accords. I signed because it was the right thing to do. And yeah this sucks. This is, uh... This is a bad beat. But it hasn't changed my mind. I don't think." Rhodey looked up at his friends and allowed him to help him off the floor. I smiled.

The training room has glass windows and a door to the outside. There was a knock on the window and a FedEx delivery man. "Are you Tony... Stank?" The elderly delivery man called.

"Yes, This is Tony Stank. You're in the right place!" Rhodey called back, pointing at Tony. "Thank you for that!" Rhodey waved to the man. "I'm never dropping that, by the way." Rhodey patted Toyn on the shoulder before turning away.

"Table for one, Mr Stank!" He joked.

"Yes hello, I have an appointment with Mr Stank at Stank industries please." I laughed and Nat smiled. Tony took the parcel and left to go upstairs and open it.

"Tony, what is it?" I called. He stopped in the doorway, pulling the box open. He hesitated for a moment before re-entering the room and taking a seat on the weights bench. He pulled an envelope from inside, simply the word "tony" scrawled on the front. He tore it open and read it.

"Tony. I'm glad you're back at the compound. I don't like the idea of you rattling around a mansion by yourself. We all need family. The Avengers are yours. Maybe more so than mine. I've been on my own since I was 18. I never really fit in anywhere, even in the army. My faith's in people, I guess. Individuals. And I'm happy to say that for the most part... they haven't let me down. Which is why I can't let them down either. Locks can be replaced, but maybe they shouldn't. I know I hurt you, Tony. I guess I thought by not telling you about your parents I was sparing you. But I can see now that I was really spearing myself. And I'm sorry. Hopefully one day you can understand. I wish we agreed on the accords. I really do. I know you're doing what you believe in and that's all any of us can do. That's all any of us should." Whilst Tony read Nat took the rest of the contents out of the box but before we could continue Tony's phone rang and Friday spoke. "Priority call from Secretary Ross. There's been a breach at the Raft prison."

Tony picked up his phone. "Yeah, put him through." The phone was on speaker.

"Tony, we have a problem." Ross said.

"Uh, please hold." Tony held his finger up as if he was shushing someone.

"No, don't." Ross began but Tony hung up. He picked up the letter and continued reading.

"So no matter what. I promise you... If you need us. If you need me. I'll be there." Nat looked down at the item in her hand. A flip phone. A tear fell on the device and I put an arm around her shoulder to comfort her.

"At least he has his priorities right." Rhodey smiled, wheeling himself over.

"Do you think they'll come back. Sam, or Wanda?" I asked. I wanted my friends home, but maybe they would just go on with their lives. Tony shrugged and I frowned.

"Now what?" I smirked. It was over. There were no threats, no problems.

"We live." Nat smiled, wiping away her tears.


So we did. We lived. Wanda came back to the compound for a week and we spent lots of time together but not enough. Her and Vision decided to leave together and see some of the world, promising to keep in touch and update us on any changes. Clint and Scott had gone back to their families. Rhodey was on the mend, and working with Tony to improve the supports. Life was sweet. It was mostly just the four of us in the compound, living a normal sort of life. Me and Nat went on a few small missions for Fury but nothing much. It had been two weeks since Cap's letter. Tony and Pepper were back talking and he was spending more and more time at his mansion with her.

It was a Saturday evening and me and Nat were sitting watching Friends on the telly. "Have you ever been to Cornwall?" I asked Nat randomly. She shook her head.

"Well you know this leap of faith we're taking. Would you maybe want to try it in England. Just for a little while." I looked at Nat, our eyes gazed into each other. Slowly she nodded her head. And that's how it started. Our next chapter, together. Whatever together meant for us. We didn't know what it was, or where it would go but we were rolling with it in the only way we knew how. Together. Life as we knew it had changed and I was ready to see where our paths would lead us next. 

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