Chapter 1

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I have never wanted to commit murder so much until I decided to willingly deal with ten years of pure hell.

It never mattered what I did when growing up under the Dursley's watch. Nothing was good enough. I was beaten by Dudley for getting higher marks, I was called stupid for getting lower marks. I'm polite? I must be up to something. I talk exactly like them? A week in the cupboard with few meals.

The sad thing about knowing where you are and what to expect when you turn eleven is that you start to prepare for it with high expectations. I stopped caring about normal school. Hell, I already knew everything they were teaching in elementary- excuse me, primary, need to get used to these new words. I was in college when I was thrown into this world and I am pretty sure with the exception of England's laws and cultural differences I was smarter than both of the adults in my household combined.

No one seemed to care that the skinny child with the scar on his forehead was missing in class, nor did anyone care that said child would go into the woods alone. It was one of the few safe places Dudley and his gang refused to go into. These dunderheads think it's haunted... Granted, I may or may not have had fun messing with them one Halloween night. But when I was in the woods, I tried to use magic. Well, I at least wanted to control it so it didn't always appear when I was mad or scared. My practicing was more of letting my imagination run and see what happened.

It... honestly never worked.

After several months of trying to do anything, I quickly gave up and focused on finding a hobby that the Dursley's wouldn't freak out about. I still had sparks of magic where I would teleport randomly, but other than that, not much happened.

Writing seemed to do the trick for my boredom.

Dudley never showed up in the library, so I could allow words to pour out onto the pages of my hand-me-down notebook. The librarian was suspicious of me at first, thinking I was going to steal something or write in the books, but once she saw me randomly organize the books she left me alone. While it was small, I took it upon myself to read all of the manga there. The art style was old, but it was still the 80s so I had no right to complain. It would take a few years before some of the manga I used to love to read would begin to exist... it's somewhat disturbing that this world was so much like my old one, but with magic. Hell, Dudley is supposed to get a Playstation soon and I see Disney stuff everywhere.

I'm going to avoid watching what happens in the United States until I can confirm their wizarding laws.

I think the hardest part of adjusting was the fact that I was now a boy. I got the peeing part handled pretty quickly thanks to being a toddler. But at the same time, there was this awkward feeling I always got when I would hear Aunt Petunia talking to her friends and I wanted to talk to them so much.

I miss being a girl... Being Harry Potter just meant an agonizingly slow waiting game since I had no way of finding the wizarding world without my family losing what little marbles they had. I was also at risk of into someone who would try to manipulate me or even find some Voldemort supporters. Some days I would find myself staring at the low ceiling of my cupboard, dreaming of living as my own person and going to Hogwarts.

Then, June 23rd rolled around.

Knock knock knock

"Up! Get up!"


"NOW!" Petunia gave one more wack to the door before storming off to the kitchen.

I slowly sat up and placed my glasses over my face. My fist slammed down on the small shelf next to the mattress, squashing yet another spider. In my past life, I would be helplessly whining for it to die. Now they just meet my fists. I could already hear Dudley running up and down the stairs. My hair became dusted with wood as he yelled about the zoo... right, the zoo.

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